How to Care for Your Skin During the Winter

Winter weather can do a number on your skin, scalp, lips, and feet but there are ways to pamper yourself and look your best when nature is not kind. Be good to yourself and your body and follow these tips to get glowing this winter.

Do you have white flakes or an itchy head? You may have dandruff. Dandruff shampoos may make the problem worse by stripping away essential oils so try switching to a moisturizing shampoo. Varieties that have eucalyptus extract or soothing mint are refreshing as well as healing.

Are your cheeks chapped from wintry wind gusts? Spend the money on a long-lasting lotion or cream that will stay with you throughout the day. Having to reapply lotion everytime you go outside is a drag. If you have naturally dry skin, use a thick cream. For normal or oily skin, lotion will work fine.

Apply body lotion after you shower but while your skin is still damp. This will help lock in moisture and make your skin extra soft and supple.

Hands are quick to show age and signs of weathering. Even mittens don’t protect them from the cold, dry air. A little dab will do ya-a dab of thick cream at least twice a day, that is. Apply more often if you wash your hands frequently.

White, ashy elbows and knees can be relieved with a surprising household remedy, lemons. Rub half of one over the ashy areas to debride and lighten dark spots and then apply a shea butter cream.

Our feet take a beating and deserve to be treated, especially in the winter. Purchase a good foot scrub that heats up as you rub it in. This will exfoliate dry patches on the bottom of your feet and make them smooth. Use a pumice stone on your heels.

Lips are quick to dry out and become chapped in blistery winds and heated indoor areas. A roll-on moisturizer will glide on more smoothly and evenly than a wax or gel, such as Chapstick. Plus, it won’t feel as sticky as the regular leading products.

Contrary to popular belief, you can still take long baths in the winter and not dry out your skin. Just add a hydrating bath oil or powder to the water. If all else fails, use some hair conditioner as your bath oil.

Every body needs some pampering and relaxation during the winter season. Take care of yourself and banish winter-damaged skin.

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