How to Maintain a Septic Tank

It is important to maintain your septic tank system and keep it working properly. Here are some helpful hints on how to keep your system working efficiently.

A septic tank is used in rural areas, where houses are too far apart to have an established sewer system. Each home has its own private sewage treatment plant called a septic tank.

Most tanks are simply a big concrete tank buried in the yard. This tank produces gases caused by bacteria, breaking down the organic material in the wastewater. Gravity powers the tank. Waste water flows into the tank and out. However, if there is too much sludge in the tank, the water cannot flow properly. This will cause back up in the home’s sewer system.

To prevent this sludge, it is essential to prevent the harmful build up in the tank. This harmful bacteria, which forms the sludge, is caused by soap, detergent, etc.

It is important to have the septic tank system pumped periodically. This will prevent the plumbing from backing up in the house. If you use your garbage disposal, it is important to have this done.

Use only toilet tissue that is septic tank safe. Bleach and anti bacterial soaps can kill the beneficial bacteria, so try to avoid flushing them down drains.

Use a product to treat the tank monthly. There are many products on the market that treat septic tanks. Some even offer a monthly program, where you receive the product in a timely manner every month. These products are scientifically formulated with special bacteria and enzmes to digest household waste. They will be specifically marked for septic tank use.

If a septic tank system fails, the cost is exorbitant. The best method to prevent this from happening is to maintain the system in an efficient manner.

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