How to Repair a Large Hole in Drywall

As a homeowner, there are often times that repairs are needed throughout the house and it is not always necessary or affordable to contact a repair man. Many small repair jobs can be completed with ease by the homeowner to save money. A hole in the wall does not have to be a difficult task to repair. Drywall repair is simple for a homeowner to do with a few basic ideas kept in mind.

Although drywall repair can be very costly if you opt to pay a repair man to come and complete the job, fixing a hole in the wall on your own is a cheap and effective way to repair minor blemishes throughout the home. To repair drywall all you need is some basic tools, a little time, and some elbow grease to get the job done. Follow these simple steps to get those holes patched up around your home and ready for paint.

Supplies you will Need:


Drywall mud

Drywall screws

Drywall Tape



1 x 2 board

Tools you will Need:

Tape Measure

Mud Knife

Sanding Block or Pole


Drywall knife or hand saw


Razor Knife

Step 1: Begin by cutting the drywall away from stud to stud in the area where the hole is. You can use a stud finder to locate the studs outside of the hole area or you can cut the wall from the hole to the left until you hit a stud and then from the right the same way. Cut out a rectangle removing the entire area of damaged drywall.

Step 2: Cut two hanger pieces of 1×2 wood that are one inch larger than the width of the cutout drywall area to attach to the studs that are revealed at end to end. Attach each 1×2 to the revealed studs using nails or screws. This will give the new drywall support.

Step 3: Measure and cut a new piece of drywall to fill the exposed hole.

Step 4: Measure one half inch off existing drywall flush with the stud in order to assure that drywall screw will go through the support stud that was installed in step 2.

Step 5: Begin screwing drywall into place using drywall screws and drill. (be sure to slightly inset screw into the wall) Use 1 screw per stud across the length of the hole and 1 screw per foot down each stud.

Step 6: Apply a thin layer of drywall mud (using the mud knife) to the perimeter of the newly hung drywall where there is a crack existing. Then apply drywall tape to the thin layer of drywall mud. Use the drywall knife to slightly inset the drywall tape into the crack of the perimeter of the new wall. Apply another thin layer of drywall mud to the top of the drywall tape.

Step 7: Apply drywall mud to any existing screw holes using the mud knife. Allow all drywall mud to dry thoroughly overnight.

Step 8: Apply drywall mud in thin layers over drywall tape until the taped seam is no longer visible. Be sure to allow mud to dry in between layers. Water may be added to mud in small increments to reduce mud thickness and drying time.

Step 9: Lightly sand the mudded seam along the perimeter until smooth.

Step 10: Apply texture to wall according to specs on texture mix bags depending on the style of texture that is on the existing wall (knock down or orange peel heavy or light). These textures are applied using a hopper or for smaller areas there are aerosol cans of common textures available at the local home improvement store. (various textures on the market have different drying times ranging from 20 minutes to 40 minutes)

Step 11: Allow texture to dry thoroughly and prime and paint the wall.

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