How to Replace a Dishwasher

In this age of fast-paced living and technological advancements, having various household appliances is not only a convenience but also a necessity. Whether you belong to a medium-sized household or a business owner, we all need to have some form of time and money saving equipment that will improve our quality of living.

Unfortunately, like with all mechanical devices, it is a fact that there will be the occasional breakdowns either from age or disuse. A dishwasher is no different. Most dish washing appliances are hardy and can last you years. Sooner or later though it will need upgrading or replacement and this can cost you hundreds of dollars. This article will focus on how you can replace an existing dishwasher on your own. Below are the list of tools and items you will need:

  • Adjustable Wrench
  • Electrical Tape
  • Level
  • Needle-nose Pliers
  • Screwdriver (Phillips and Straight)
  • Slip-joint Pliers
  • Teflon Tape
  • Voltage Tester
  • Wire Nuts

The first thing you have to do is to measure your old dishwasher and the space available. This way, you will be able to choose and buy the right size.

Disconnecting the old dishwasher

Turn off the electrical circuit or unplug the cord where your dishwasher is connected. Close the water supply valve as well. Remove the screws holding the dishwasher to the countertop and carefully slide the machine out from under. Locate the junction box, which is at the end of the electrical cord at the back, and remove the cover. You will see three wires inside. Make sure that the circuit is off by using a voltage tester. After that, remove the electrical cord and put wire nuts on the ends of the wires then move them out of the way.

Next you have to disconnect the water supply. Get a towel first in case there’s still some drain water from the pipe. Find the inlet line from under the dishwasher and remove the nut that is holding the line in place. Likewise, disconnect the drain line of the machine from under the sink or garbage disposal unit. Your dishwasher is now completely disconnected. Check if the area needs cleaning and wipe dry any wet spots.

Installing the new dishwasher

Gently tilt the dishwasher onto its back and open the supplied compression clamps with needle-nose pliers. Attach these to the drain line. Wrap the threads of the water inlet connection with Teflon tape and then connect the 90-degree brass fitting. There is also the retaining sleeve for the electrical cord; push the cord inside and then tighten the sleeve. Set the dishwasher upright and connect the brass fitting to the water line.

Open the cover of the junction box, remove the wire nuts and run them though the knockout of the box. Connect same colored wires by twisting them together with needle-nose pliers and tighten them using wire nuts. Wrap the wire nut junctions with electrical tape and then close the cover of the box.

Attach the new drain line to where the old dishwasher was connected. Check for leaks by opening the water line valve. Tighten the connections if there are any. You can now move the dishwasher under the counter. See if the dishwasher is sitting evenly on the floor with a level; make proper adjustments on the legs to correct positioning. Hold the appliance in place by screwing the top flange on to the bottom of the counter and then place the bottom cover. Plug the electrical cord or turn the circuit power back on. Finally, check the new dishwasher for leaks by running a cycle.

By keeping safety in mind and following directions carefully, you can easily install or replace your dishwasher without the spending a lot of money.

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