I was Not Looking

I was not looking
When I found you.
I did not know the questions,
Yet, you knew the answers.
I had no true measure
Of how lost I was-
When you helped me
Out of the darkness.
I did not know
How really sad I was-
Till you gave me reasons to smile.
I thought I was so strong
To hold back the tears.
You showed me I was stronger still
To let the sadness go.
I truly thought
Part of my soul had died.
You woke that part
Of me that was sleeping.
I thought I had
Nothing left to say.
Yet, you are always ready
To listen.
I did not see
How anxious I had become.
You helped me find
New ways to see joy.
I cam here
Full of hatred and anger.
And you taught me
The value of really letting go.
I’d forgotten the true meaning
Of friendship.
When you helped
To set me straight.
I’d almost given up
And thrown in the towel-
When you convinced me
I can still win!

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