Only a Matter of Time

The gravity of the situation is indeed a heavy one, but a plight we must all face. As I walked past the rooms to my appointed destination, I looked at the faces that were once rigorous and lively, has now become morbid and lost. A woman to my right was wheeled down the hallway repeating the same phrase incessantly; and other patients just sat there as if in a trance. I wonder if they knew what was going on.
I write this only to perpetuate the premise that we have little time you know. Our strength lessens daily, and many of us chose not to use our vibrant years to do anything of significance. Instead of reading to gain knowledge of great things, we rest all the time either sleeping or watching television. We neglect to create masterpieces and have settled for meager and vulgar creativity: if its all violence good, if its foul and degrading great, if there’s no God even better. Such things are from the regions of darkest part of the human character.
Our flesh prompts us to laziness; giving it the time of day, we give in not understanding the seriousness of our actions. Death, although unable to be avoided, is in fact visited by all, whether young or old.
“Show me, Lord, to number my days and my end, and how frail I am.” is a paraphrase of the psalmist. He was right in penning such a verse, for it is the duty of man once to die and then the judgement.
Yet many men are not apt to know such things (with negligence) and display it openly in words, deeds, and even dress. We are greedy; not gracious. We are foul; not fair. We are treacherous; not tranquil, and our souls adapt to such sins, at which, the judgement of God will be swift and harsh.
However, Jesus brings grace, peace, and salvation from the wrath of God (the Father), for it is only a matter time when the body dies, yet the soul lives. The blood of Christ can cover your sins, remember, who can stand before God and say, ” I have no sin, I’ve done no wrong?”
It is only a matter of time.