Rosacea: Chronic Dermatitis of the Face

Place where Rosacea can occur the most are the: cheeks, forehead, nose or chin (and can come and go). Sometime Rosacea can also appear on the scalp, chest, neck, or ears. Anyone can develop Rosacea, but those who are of fair skin and blush easily tend to be the most susceptible to it. Also women are more likely to have Rosacea than men, but men seem to have more severe cases of it. A person of any age can have Rosacea, but it is the people within the ages of 30-50 that are the most vulnerable to it.
Some of the signs and symptoms to look for from Rosacea are: flushing (blushing), visible blood vessels, constant redness, bumps and pimples, dry appearance, irritation in the eyes, swelling in the face, raised red patches and thickening of the skin. Burning and stinging may also occur. Possible triggers of Rosacea to try to avoid are: exposure to extreme temperatures (like strong winds or sun exposure), strenuous exercise, stress, fear, anxiety, spicy food, smoking, hot or alcoholic beverages, some cosmetics, chemical peels, demodex mites, and even some medications (like vasodilators).
The symptoms and the severity of Rosacea will vary from one person to the next. [Also there are four types of Rosacea: Subtype 1 (erythematotelangiectatic rosacea), Subtype 2 (papulopustular rosacea), Subtype 3 (phymatous rosacea), Subtype 4 (ocular rosacea).] Because of these differences, treatment will vary. Oral antibiotics (such as tetracycline) and topical antibiotics (such as metronidazole) are usually prescribed to treat the bumps and pimples. “When appropriate, treatments with lasers, intense pulsed light sources or other medical and surgical devices may be used to remove visible blood vessels, reduce extensive redness or correct disfigurement of the nose. Ocular rosacea may be treated with oral antibiotics and other therapy. Your dermatologist should also advice you of the types of soaps, moisturizes and sunscreens to use when taking care of your skin on a regular basis.
The cause of Rosacea is unknown and there is no known cure, but the symptoms can be controlled with regular and proper treatment. Left untreated and Rosacea could get worse. In severe cases conditions called rhinophyma and rosacea keratitis can develop. Rhinophyma is a condition in which the nose can grow disfigured due to excess tissue. Rosacea keratitis is a condition in which the cornea of the eye is damaged and vision is impaired.
If you feel you have Rosacea contact your doctor so that you can begin your treatment today.