SJI-Alumni Association Project Launching Moved

The St. John’s Institute Alumni Association (SJI-AA) regretfully announces that the groundbreaking ceremonies for the 50 Houses for 50 Years Project on June 24, 2008 will be moved from the project site in Handumanan to the SJI Activity Center, Shopping, Bacolod City due to weather constraint.

Dubbed as the Msgr. John Liu and Msgr. John Su GK Village Handumanan Sang Hua Ming housing project, this noble effort is in celebration to SJI’s Golden Jubilee celebration in 2009 and is a tribute to the founding fathers of Hua Ming-Msgr. John Liu and Msgr. John Su.

The SJI-AA Project will still be launched and the memorandum of agreement between the entities involved will still be signed on June 24, as this day marks the birthday of Msgr. John Liu-a founding father of SJI.

Further announcements will be made regarding the formal groundbreaking ceremonies and tree planting at the site.

For more information: Please contact, SJI-AA Secretary Rosario Araneta at 4351450.

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