Shopping for Ceiling Medallions: How Do I Find the Best Deal?

With the Internet growing so rapidly, I have found that I have started avoiding stores at all cost! I would rather order something and wait a week for it than go to the store and get it today. Let’s face it, I’m lazy. I do most of my shopping online, mainly so I don’t have to lug my four year old through stores listing to the can I’s and I wants. I have found that Lowe’s and Home Depot do have ceiling medallions but they don’t seem to have the variety I’m looking for. My taste is…well, unique. I don’t typically find interest in classic items, I like different! Dare to be different, right?

While surfing several different websites to find the perfect ceiling medallions, there are a few sites that stand out to me. The first one is Okay, yeah, that’s not real creative. But hey, I didn’t choose their name. The reason I like this site is because their taste is different. They have various different shapes and patterns that I find more interesting. My absolute favorite on this site is in their ‘Non-Elliptical Medallions’ collection. It’s item 81030 – Focal Point British Victorian. I like it because it isn’t a standard shape and it’s not a design I’ve seen before. For the most part, this site has reasonable prices starting from about $5 and up. Of course the one I really like has to be an expensive one at $116.15. Did I mention I’m cheap? I checked the shipping policies on this site and the only thing that I really found helpful was that the products usually ship within 72 hours. This gives me an idea of when to expect it. I like that. Shipping prices vary depending on product. That doesn’t tell me much at all. Moving right along…

So I move on to another site thinking maybe I can find one cheaper that I like. The next site I check out is Jackpot! I find the exact same ceiling medallion that I love at this site for $59.95. Now this is still more than I want to pay for this. But it’s almost half off, that’s a start. There are several things I like about this site. One is that they have a better variety. They have more products and more styles. Another thing is that they have more than just the typical white medallions. In fact, I was especially intrigued by their Michelangelo Series. These are very different, of course they are also very costly with the cheapest one starting at $595. But hey, if I owned a Cathedral, I would probably be able to afford one. Right? As I stated before, I like things that are different, this site sparked my interest with the Michelangelo Series. And hey, getting the one I liked for half off didn’t hurt. Now looking at the shipping policies for this site, I found that delivery times will vary depending upon the manufacturer of the product. But what I especially liked was that they have a chart that shows the shipping rates. I also liked that it told me what to expect upon delivery as far as unloading and getting help from the delivery drivers. That’s helpful info!

The last site I check is Off the bat, I notice that this site has an even bigger selection. And while their prices look decent at first, the one I liked is priced at $123.25. So I didn’t waste anymore time at this site. The next thing I do is my own little research. I go to my search engine,, and I type in “British Victorian Ceiling Medallion”. Now I start looking at only this product at various different places. I guess this is called bargain hunting. Now, I checked 4 more sites and found that all of their prices for this item were over $100. If I do my math correctly, that means that the average amount for this item is $118.28 based on the prices of each site. Therefore, I decide that $59.95 is most definitely a bargain and this is the site I recommend to everyone for the combination of reasons mentioned above. Happy hunting!

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