The Alkaline Acid Diet: Recipes for a Healthier Lifestyle

The alkaline acid diet is a popular diet that is considered by many seeking to live a healthy lifestyle as the proper diet to maintain a proper pH level in our bodies. Mainstream society has not likely heard of the alkaline diet yet, but with the rise and fall of the Atkins diet, and the South Beach diet reaching its apex, we may soon be looking for another diet to latch onto, and the Alkaline Acid Diet could very well be it.

Touted by nutritionists and health advocates for years, the purpose of the Alkaline Acid Diet is to keep the pH balance of our bodies at a proper level by consuming mainly vegetables and less acidic foods such as beans, nuts, and grains, with only a moderate amount of foods with higher amounts of acids, such as meats and dairy products. The diet tends to lean toward the vegetarian ideal, with 75% of your food intake being low-acid items (mainly vegetables and vegetarian foods), and allowing 25% for the remainder (meat and dairy for those of you who simply cannot do without the occasional steak).

When the body has a high amount of acidity in its system, a number of symptoms can occur: fatigue, headaches, muscle pain, acid indigestion, and a weakened immune system, among others. Excess acid can also deplete your body of necessary minerals and nutrients.

A perfect diet for people living stressful lives or tiring of low carb, high-fat diets, the alkaline acid diet is also said to help maintain a perfectly healthy body, helping to lower the risks for cancer and other diseases.

Your local nutritionist or health food store can give you a complete listing of foods that are perfectly suited for the alkaline diet, and which ones to avoid. The Alkaline Acid Diet is not so much a diet as it is a complete change of eating habits for a healthier, well-balanced body and lifestyle. With that in mind, there are several websites where you can find tasty, healthy recipes to help keep you satisfied on the alkaline diet.

Energise for Life, has a small listing of recipes, consisting of juices, soups, dinner ideas, and snacks. Wonderful blends of vegetables create a delicious juice for morning pick-me-ups or just as a healthy refreshment. Creative, energising soups, such as Warm Broccoli Soup, are hearty, delightfully flavorful and satisfying. And for dinner, items like Lime-Chili Stir Fry will certainly make you forget that you are on a diet.

The Alkaline Energy Diet, has a larger list, focusing on delicious salads and vegetable dishes, such as Tomato Basil Salad, Hot Millet Salad, and Asparagus Bundles. These original, flavorful recipes will surely delight and tantalize, as well as energize. This website can also help with a diet plan and answer many questions about the alkaline acid diet., has a good listing and tips on which foods to eat and which to avoid, menu ideas, and a more extensive list of recipes. The recipes are mainly vegetable oriented (remember, vegetables are a primary focus of an alkaline acid diet), and a good mixture of soups, salads, and main dishes will serve you well. has a number of books available for purchase featuring many recipes for the Alakiline Acid Diet. These fantastic books full of healthy, nutritious, fantastic recipes include Back to the House of Health: Rejuvenating Recipes to Alkalize and Energize for Life, The Acid Alkaline Balance Diet, and The Acid-Alkaline Diet for Optimum Health.

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