The Best 10 Movies of 2004

In the year 2004 I enjoyed the privilege of viewing nearly 200 movies. Even though, I viewed so many movies I still did not have the chance to see about half of the movies that I was hoping to have seen. Most of the ones that was able to see were older movies on video. So out of the new movies I have seen here is a top 10 list of my favorites.

#10. Mean Girls


For the last few years I have greatly enjoyed Tina Fey on Saturday Night Live. As scriptwriter of Mean Girls (She also plays Cady’s (Lindsay Lohan) maths teacher, Ms Norbury) she did a terrific job making it witty and entertaining. There is a particular intelligence that you find in this script that you would not expect to find in a teen movie.. It was as if she wrote a teeny bopper movie but for adults.

Lindsay Lohan

There are only two movies that like her in. This one and also Freaky Friday. She shows a personality that is fun and has the stage presence to keep your attention. (Mostly mens attentions) Her acting was very good for type of movie that it was.

As a whole this movie has a nice mix of remembering those high school days and a little taste of SNL satire. Out of all the teen comedies of the year this one was the best by far.

#9. El Crimen Del Padre Amaro (Released In Video)
( The Crime Of Father Amaro)

A young, newly-ordained priest in a small Mexican town gets threaten to be corrupted by politics and sexual passions.

This movies great because of the major topics that it dealt with head on and controvertialy. (Abortion, Catholic politics, and ordain priest’s sexual passions) Gael GarcÃ?­a Bernal was great in both mexican movies “Amores Perros” and “Y Tu Mama Tambien”. Here playing Father Amaro he took his acting to a higher level. Playing a character in a foreign fashion and having to play a priest in an unconventional way. The movie also bring light to something that usually people prefer to stay clear from.

#8. Spider-Man 2

When a movie is made about comic books and when making a sequel it is very difficult to get it just right. In this particular movie you get the rarity. It was not only a good super hero movie but also was better than the first. With the nice addition of Alfred Molina the acting was much more real and it connected better with us. Being a big Toby fan starting when I saw Wonder Boys it was my nice to see him once again. Dunst never really impressed me in the first movie and neighter in this one but she does a good enough job for us not complain too much. This movie was almost perfect for the “Type of Movie” it is.

#7. The Notebook

This movie I tremendously loved. The story was nice and sentimentaly touching. A love story told both in the present and in the past.

It was nice to see Rachel McAdams in a role that is not the typical mean teen queen like in The Hot Chick and Mean Girls. Her acting was splendid and realistic. Making you feel the anguish that she goes through. A real heart felt performance.

Back when Ryan Gosling did the movie The Believer was amazed of how an outstanding performance he gave. Ever since then I truly have been a huge fan. Here in this movie he continues to show his versatility in playing different types of characters. In The Believer he played a nazi driven hard to the heart menacing man to perfection. (Almost like Edward Norton in American History X) Here in this movie he could not have been more charming or loveable.

This was a real movie about real love.
James Gardner as well gave a touching performance.

#6. Garden State

Writing, directing, and acting were great. Zach Braff’s Garden State is one of the best movies I have seen because I can greatly relate to issues it spoke about. Mental problems can be life strangling and to see his character dealing with his mothers death reminds me of when my grandmother died. It trows your mind in a world of sadness, confusion and depression. Even more when you have mental issues to deal with. I loved Portman’s wild and rambunkcious girl that she played.

#5. The Village

It really fills me up with anger, when people say that this movie was not good. This movie was not good it was great. It was filled with deliciously well acted drama, real surprize and suspence. It was touching, scary, and mind twisting all in one. M. Night is a great actor/director. He build a world were everything is believeable. This movie was greatly entertaining.

Adrien Brodies small part in the movie was unforgettable.

#4. The Aviator

This movie was a real human exploration piece. It dealt candidly with the problems that we as imperfect humans go trough. Once again I found my self relating to what the movie was about. To have to try to accept that wich you cannot change. How illnesses that befall us can criple us to a point that it is hard to tell wich is the real me?

Leonardo gave a terrific portrayal of Howard Hughs. This and Catch Me if you Can are really the only movies that enjoy of his.

Like everyone else.. that the crash scene was masterfully crafted.

#3. The Incredibles

This was an incredible movie.

I loved the visual effects in this movie. First, because it unfolded so dramatically well, it sucked you in and made you feel as if you were watching a live action film. You forgot that this is C.G.I. and felt as if the action was real. Second, the imagery was virtually groundbreaking. Like no other animated film I have ever seen. Nothing in the visual effects was over done, rather it was precisely crafted.

Many times in movies, the potential for the story is high. Yet, you find that many things are either taken for granted or neglected. In this film, none of that is shown. Brad Bird the director of The Iron Giant, has crafted a story that pulls no punches. From beginning to end it unfolds with great precision and wonderfully detailed. Committing fully to the story and not leaving holes like many movies do. Expecting you to disregard things that don’t fit or don’t make sense. Like all the other Pixar movies, this movie is a storytelling success. It tells a full story, develops the characters well, and delivers with a grand finally.

#2. Kill Bill

This was another masterpiece by Quentin Tarantino. Filled with action, drama, and lots and lots of action it was a fun and delicious ride.

The Bride played by Uma Thurman was a character that soon wont be forgotten. In volume one she played the bride with great fury and tenacity and in volume two you were shown a humbling and tender side of a killer.

The fight scene with the crazy88 in volume one was a killer fight scene as well as a sadistic cinematic pleasure.

In volume two it was all about David Carradine. He was Bill and not only did he play a killer but a loving father. His acting was to the great level of Samuel L. Jackson in Pulp Fiction.A real magnificant performance.

#1. Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind

The best film in 2004, the film from writer Charlie Kaufman and director Michel Gondry is also the most heartfelt. The story about gaining and losing love. Jim and Kate play magnificant parts. I loved the sadness envoked by Joel and the zaniness of Clementine. When Kaufman produced the great film of Adaptation I was convinved that I had found fav. movie. That of course before this movie arrived and forces me to call it a tie.

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