Top New Accessories for PC Games

Before you know it, the computer games you play today will seem as quaint and old-fashioned as the 8-bit games of the ’80s. No longer will you be glued to an office chair tapping on a keyboard. (You might as well be working.) Or perhaps you long to return to the arcade days. Either way, these game accessories for your PC will add a new dimension to PC gaming.

Leap Motion ($79.99)

PCs and laptops are finally catching up with game consoles that have cameras tracking your movement (like Kinect for Xbox). Leap Motion is a small motion sensor (about the size of a flash drive) that plugs into the USB port of a computer. Their slogan is, “Do almost anything without touching anything.”

Pros – How cool is it to manipulate a 3D object on the computer screen as if you’re holding it in your hands? You can also draw using Corel just by waving a pencil in the air. The competition is already coming on the market. Laptops and monitors are being integrated with motion sensors. So the technology should get better even if the prices don’t.

Cons – Though there are over 100 games and apps available for this device, precious few are recognizable (or look very good). Don’t expect to play Angry Birds with it, yet. Also, the limited view of the Leap Motion can be frustrating when playing a game that gets exciting. You have to remember to keep your hands within view of it.

Logitech G600 MMO Gaming Mouse ($79.99)

For serious computer play, PC Magazine recommends this Logitech gaming mouse for the massive multiplayer online (MMO) experience. It has customizable buttons on a thumb pad, so you won’t have to bother with the keyboard for most things.

Pros – It’s easy to program and cuts out the keyboard. Only one hand needed to play. You can finally eat and drink with the other hand.

Cons – The price is more than most people are willing to spend for a mouse.

Xgaming X-Arcade Dual Joystick ($129.99)

If it’s old school gaming you’re looking for, this Xgaming arcade-style accessory puts the joystick back in your hands. All you need is a sticky floor, the smell of pizza and the noise of a dozen other arcade games playing in the background.

Pros – Sturdy with 2 joysticks and loads of buttons.

Cons – It’s pricey, especially since this accessory may require other accessories. Some adapters are not included.

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