Ways to Make a Couch More Comfortable to Sleep On

A couch can be more comfortable than a bed, especially when feeling under the weather. It provides a soft back to lean against, and it surrounds three sides of the body in a soothing way – unless of course it is impossible to sleep on. A sofa with worn cushions or damaged springs can be difficult to stay on for long, but sometimes it is the only place to rest. Use these easy ways to make a couch more comfortable to sleep on. I prefer my bed over my sofa, but after solving the problem, it is sometimes the best place to rest.

Buy Support Panels to Make the Couch More Comfortable

When my sofa springs started showing signs of wear, I did not wait until it was beyond repair. I purchased a few sets of interlocking support panels that could be put together and customized to fit the length. They made a tremendous difference in how it felt when sitting or lying down. When trying to make a couch more comfortable to sleep on, consider buying interlocking panels or a folding panel of the appropriate size. Both types can be found online. Either one will make the couch more comfortable to sleep on, and it will prolong the life of the springs by absorbing some of the weight. Although the added support made my couch more comfortable, it did not completely solve my problem.

Place a Thick Piece of Memory Foam in Between the Cushions

When a couch is too uncomfortable to sleep on, sometimes the springs are not the problem. My sofa has two large cushions, and when lying on my side, my hip is over the area where the cushions meet. It was very uncomfortable before I devised a way to fix the problem. I cut an old memory foam pillow into a slab that would fit between the cushions that would otherwise separate when lying down. It worked exceptionally well to make the sofa more comfortable to sleep on, and it solved the problem. For aesthetic purposes, I remove the memory foam when I do not plan to sleep on the couch.

Plump Up Worn Cushions with Pillow Batting

Are your couch cushions somewhat flat? You can make the sofa more comfortable to sleep on by plumping up worn cushions. Buy a roll of pillow batting that can be trimmed to size. Unzip the cushions, and use the batting to make the couch more comfortable to sleep on. Add as many sheets of batting as necessary. The material is designed to cling and stay firmly in place. Not only will the added batting make the sofa more comfortable to sleep on, but it will look better too.

Source: Personal Experience with a Couch That Was Not Comfortable to Sleep On

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