Website Review: Trumalia

The big search engines like Yahoo and Google have benefitted from a quick rise in public access to Internet technology. However, the meteoric rise in entertainment, news, and information have left much to be desired by those who are inclined to more intellectual pursuits. The new search engine Trumalia has come to the rescue, providing an source for off-the-beaten path information, riddles, and other word games that will keep the intellectual and the curious coming back for more. One interesting feature of Trumalia is a scavenger hunt that promises both mental rewards, like the satisfaction of decyphering a difficult puzzle, along with a substantial monetary reward. As well, Trumalia offers research tools that will find obscure or hard-to-find bits of knowledge for personal or academic research. While Trumalia suffers from not having the same business model as Google, it benefits from its cult following and its unusual riddle and “enigma” features. Anyone looking to move away from the big search engines should put Trumalia on their short list of alternative web sites.

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