What Would Survive 1000 Years of the Elements?

Based upon the artifacts that would likely be found in my home 100 years after the quake there are many assumptions and theories that could hold true regarding life in the year 2006. Based upon what has survived I can tie many pieces of this culture together to formulate a larger more complete picture.

The garage area really helps to show exactly what type of technology these people had and how they were able to make machines and devices that worked for them, albeit very inefficiently, compared to the technology of 3006. It is also interesting to note that much of the technology that is hypothesized about actually hurt the 2006 inhabitants’ environment as a whole and it can be seen through other discoveries in the Parkland area from relatively the same period that the 2006 humans were just beginning to realize this and rectify the problem. Since the machines, found in heaps in the garage area of the house were pieced together using many different types of materials and technologies, and there are different serial numbers and languages represented on the stamps and codes on the metal pieces. It can be said that the 2006 Parkland economy was complex and mixed and that trade occurred across both the Atlantic and Pacific with other cultures in that time period. The metals and plastics compounds found in the garage came from many different places in the world and even the North American Continent. This would suggest as well that there was some sort of concerted effort to intelligently engineer these machines which could be vehicles, since a motor of some sort as well as wheels have survived. I would estimate by the size of the vehicle that it carried a maximum of 4 or 5 people. Fossil fuel residue was also found inside and around of some of the metal pieces suggesting a very primitive form of locomotion was implemented by these people in these vehicles. This is very inefficient for a vehicle of this size and weights as mentioned before when compared to the vehicles of today but the technology still had a long way to come back then. The existence of vehicles also supports other evidence that the 2006 Parkland society was spread out rather widely in the area. If the people of 2006 needed vehicles to go from one place to another they would have not been likely living within walking distance of their jobs, friends, or other important centers.

Moving to the evidence found within the collapsed building itself, there is much to interpret. The latrine areas, marked by porcelain toilet devices were likely shared since the home is large enough to house between 8 and 10 people comfortably. There are 2 latrines and waste samples found deep within the plumbing system confirm the DNA of over 100 people, though it is believed that these people were often visiting the home and used the latrine only while visiting. This suggests a complex social structure as well. The presence of trace amounts of highly processed, sometimes toxic compounds in the waste of the inhabitants suggests that their food had been processed in centers that were not local. Foods such as lychee, bananas, tobacco, and cacti were found in small deposits in the waste and plumbing system and suggest that food was grown or produced far away from where it was consumed. This hypothesis is supported by the fact that this society likely had vehicles and complex trade that could support such a system where food was grown in warmer, dryer climates and consumed elsewhere. The plumbing system itself suggests the culture had a high level of commitment to hygiene and disease control as well.

Other rooms hold still other interesting artifacts that help to shed light on the culture of the Parkland people of 2006. Religious figurines associated with the ancient belief in Jesus Christ were found in one of the bedrooms. The figure suggests some sort of organized religion that was present where members likely could have come together in self-described and designed groups for worship. The figurines were not present in the other rooms which leads me to believe that the society did not have a unified religion or did not force its people to subscribe to a single set of beliefs. There must have been many different acceptable religions and it remains to be shown that it was unacceptable to not have a religion at all. Also present in the other rooms were devices likely used in some sort of primitive computer system or display. Many of these systems that were found in other nearby houses have no wires linking them to any sort of communication wire bundle found buried underground which leads me to believe that wireless technology existed at the time of the quake. Perhaps the Parklandians of 2006 had a very primitive communications web or internet linking them to the outside world through these primitive computer systems. Almost every house has had evidence of similar systems so it seems as though most people in this society were participating collectively in communicating or making transactions in a virtual space. The diversity of cultures as well as many similarities across cultures that were thousands of miles apart suggests that people had the ability to communicate with each other over vast distances. Surely at the very least they were able to travel these distances in their vehicles.

Analysis of some of the artifacts found in the collapsed structure suggests a culture that was very in tune with themselves via primitive computer system collectives similar to the present day internet. Close analysis also reveals that there were many different acceptable religious belief systems and that trade and the 2006 Parklandian economy was very complex and diverse. There people were relatively advanced for their time but were still in 206 very heavily contributing to the Global Warming Phenomena through combustible fossil fuel machines and vehicles.

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