Yoga Etiquette

The yoga studio is a wonderful opportunity to meet with similar minded people, gain experience with new yoga moves, and appreciate new techniques. Etiquette from working out at a gym or fitness studio is a little different within a yoga setting. Here, the silence and meditative aspects of yoga will require some additional rules and skills.

When you attend a yoga class, you are learning to appreciate a group session and take part in a health-focused activity. At a yoga studio, you not only benefit from the rewards of regular yoga practice, but also manage to learn and grow with your friends and other yoga practitioners. Yoga etiquette is observed by all, and more formally than others in some studios. Even in a casual workout environment, it’s still important to consider the following rules of yoga etiquette before you enter!

Be on time: This respects your classmates and the teacher, and will give you the right amount of time you need to relax and enjoy your session completely

Dress appropriately: Whether you’re a beginner or advanced, dress lightly in loose and comfortable clothing. You will not be able to enjoy all the rewards of the yoga session without the appropriate attire.

Pay attention: Learn and practice at home when you can, so that you can adjust and work with the pace of the class. You want to be sure you are in the right class for your comfort and challenge level, so do pay attention to the instructor and learn from them as much as possible!

Observe silence: While class is in session, be mindful about others meditative and calming approaches; you’ll be able to focus and meditate with your yoga moves better when you are able to be silent and refrain from excessive movement or noise.
Work through every posture: No matter how difficult or uncomfortable some postures may be initially, give each movement your full focus and attention. Be mindful of your breathing, and stretch each muscle to its limit whenever possible. You can only grow and become stronger when you have exercised your full potential!

Pause when needed: If you need a break, don’t be afraid to sit quietly and observe until you are ready to take part in again. It’s important that your breathing is self-regulated and controlled throughout every sequence.

Respect your neighbor’s space: Learn your spatial boundaries when performing all movements, and be mindful of your neighbors and those around you.

Let yourself sweat: Although it may be tempting to ‘wipe down’ when you begin to sweat, learn to tolerate it and move through your moves. This is a natural part of yoga, and will help you immensely in getting stronger and learning self-awareness at each and every step.

Trust the process: It’s important to maintain an open mind and clear-headed perspective as you enter the studio. You’ll not only maximize the benefits of your session, but may also gain fantastic insight and increased self-awareness because of it.

Observe the final savasana respectfully: no matter how eager you may be to get out of class, observe each and final step in its entirety before leaving. The savasana is an important ‘close’ to your session, and will give you the chance to complete your yoga session with correct timing and postures.

Drink water only when necessary: Part of yoga’s meditative foundations lie in the ability to reduce stress and distractions; water should only be sipped at limited intervals, as your main focus needs to be on each movement, posture, and your self-awareness minute by minute.

Yoga is a fantastic workout for increasing self-awareness, stretching, correcting posture problems, reducing tension, and reducing stress. Not only do you benefit from a great workout, but observing yoga etiquette will ensure that you respect other people and your space in the process. Find your local yoga studio and sign up for a trial if you are a beginner; knowing basic yoga etiquette will make you less intimidated by the environment, and more likely to enjoy all the benefits of regular yoga practice!

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