Funeral Sympathy Email

Funeral is one of the saddest and delicate moments in one’s life. Therefore, you have to express your compassion in a manner which will help the other person to overcome his grief and loss. Writing a funeral sympathy email requires a lot of attention as you have to convey your feelings in writing. So, your email should be brief, concise and most importantly sympathetic.

Start your email with a greeting. Then, express your feelings of compassion towards the person. After that, end your email on a humble note and offer your help to the person.


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    Sample of Funeral Sympathy Email


    Subject: Funeral Sympathy

    Dear Ferguson,

    I have just heard the heart-rending news of your father’s funeral. I am writing to express my sympathies at this sad occasion.

    Please accept my heartiest apologies that I could not write to you during the last week as I was out of station for my training programme. I can understand your sorrow as I went through the same situation in my life during the last year. Your father was a great man and he always treated me like his son. I have learnt a lot of things from him which have helped me in making the right decisions.

    You are your father’s eldest son. So, I would advise you to be strong and support your family in this hard time. Take good care of yourself. Do let me know if I can do anything for you.

    With my warm sympathies,

    John Smith

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    Template of Funeral Sympathy Email

    To: [Recipient’s email]

    Subject: [Subject of the email]

    Dear [Recipient’s name],

    I just received the sad news about your father’s funeral from one of our mutual friends on facebook. I am writing this email to express my deepest sympathies at this depressing moment of your life.

    I am really sorry that I could not write to you earlier as I was out of town with some of my colleagues. Your father had always loved me like his own son and gave me some notable advices which have made me what I am today. He was truly an inspirational person and led his life according to his principles. May his soul rest in peace.

    Don’t forget to pass on my sympathies towards your family. Please take good care of yourself and just let me know if you need any kind of help from me.

    Deepest sympathies from my side,

    [Your Name]

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