How to Maintain a Healthy Skin

Healthy skin is smooth and firm with an even colour tone. It is also free from damage or medical problems. Healthy skin not only looks good on the outside, it is also healthy internally. Maintaining healthy skin requires a balanced program to help keep its glow. A good maintenance program takes into account a persons diet, creams and medications and any existing medical conditions that can harm the skin. Below is a Step by Step guide on how to maintain healthy skin. There are many different aspects to look after and you can choose to use all the techniques or pick and choose the ones where you feel you are lacking. The most important point is to follow a regiment consistently and not change things up before the results are obvious.


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    Healthy Diet

    Food has many different effects on our skin and a balanced diet is the best option to keep your skin looking healthy. Also, try to take in those vitamins and minerals which the skin needs. For instance, individuals should take Vitamin A, B, C, E and K which keep the skin healthy and glowing. Fruits, vegetables, nuts, rice and eggs should be part of your diet and are helpful in keeping skin in good shape.

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    The intact of water plays a vital role in making your skin healthy. Drink as much water as you can and will keep your body and mind fresh. An added benefit is that the skin looks fresh when the body is hydrated properly. Water flushes out dirt and bacteria from your skin which can damage your epidemics.

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    Stay out of the sun as much as possible. Extreme sun exposure can cause damage and wrinkles. Using sunscreen, wearing sunglasses and large brim hats is also a good idea. Try to avoid going out when the sun is at its peak, which is usually from 10 AM to 2 PM.

    Also be care of pollution when out in the city or at work. Smog and smoke can clog pores and can age the skin.

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    Skin Type

    You probably already know what type of skin you have. Try to keep track of the type of skin creams and other applications you use and match them to your oily, sensitive or dry skin type. This will keep you skin from over drying or getting too oily when using different products.

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    Daily washing

    Use an appropriate cleanser and a soap for your skin type .Wash your skin 2-3 times in a day and specially before going to sleep. Most importantly thing, make sure that you should wash your hands before you wash your face.

    Water and soap are also very good at eliminating dead skin off your face. Dead skin traps the oil and bacteria and causes acne. You can also get rid of grime and dead cells by using a peel or scrub. Use the scrub gently so that it doesn’t damage your skin.

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    Once a week treatment

    You can treat your skin once a week by applying a mask to your skin or through steaming. For acne use tea tree-oil which is really helpful in removing the acne from the skin. Use yogurt because it clears the skin and make it gentle and it will work fore dry skin. Through the use of different creams your skin can become healthy but take doctors advice on how to use them. Otherwise you may face some problems regarding your skin and instead of repairing your skin you may damage it.

    Do not over treat your skin because it can do more harm than good.

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    Rest helps rejuvenate the body and your skin. Not getting enough sleep makes the skin look unhealthy and can give you dark circles under your eyes. A good nights rest can do wonders so don't miss a wink.

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