How to Act Like a Rich Spoiled Brat

You can find rich spoiled brats when you were young. These were people in school that need their demands to be fulfilled at all costs. They would possess the best gadgets and wear the latest clothes. If you want to act like a rich spoiled brat, you need to take some things into account. Spoiled brats are extremely self-centred and are usually cry babies. They would complain about almost everything until they get what they want. If you want to act that way, you will have to change your behaviour and bring a bit of rudeness in your personality. Acting like a rich spoiled brat is not very difficult if you follow some simple techniques to help get you started in irritating everyone around you.


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    Complain about everything

    You must complain about almost everything to act like a rich spoiled brat. Spoiled girls or boys are never satisfied about anything and they need everything to be perfect. They generally complain about the place they live in, they are never satisfied with the gifts they get and are not happy with the taste of the food they eat.

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    Be self-centred

    Spoiled brats never like attention going away from them. They will be angry if their friends or family appreciate somebody else. These types of people are extremely selfish and self-centred.

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    Never accept a ‘no’

    You must know how to get a positive answer as spoiled brats do not accept ‘no’. They want their work to be done as they feel they deserve it. You will have to do whatever you can to get things done, even for the most absurd requests. You might have to cry or throw a tantrum to get a ‘yes’.

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    Wear branded clothes

    Rich spoiled brats wear the most expensive branded clothes. They have a wardrobe to dream about and their accessories always follow the latest fashion trends.

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    Spend the cash

    Spend the cash to show the friends that you are rich. You must have the latest gadgets and watches so that the people around you are impressed with your lifestyle.

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