How to Control Cutworms in Garden

Cutworms can be a real menace to any garden as these larvae of various moth species can completely destroy all of your plants. You will have to learn how to control this pest as they can easily survive the cold winter temperatures and start to feed when they come out of hibernation. Using some basic methods detailed in this article you will be able to take back your garden and protect your beautiful plants or flowers.

Things Required:

– Birdbaths
– Bird Feeders
– Paper Cutworm Collars
– Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt)
– Bran – Nematodez
– Insecticide


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    Clear area:

    Carefully clear out areas of your garden that can be used by moths to lay their eggs. You will need to dig a little in the soil to identify cutworms. Take out all the weeds and cut the lawn grass to prevent breeding moths and their larvae. If your garden is neat and trimmed then there is a good chance that you will not get a serious cutworm infestation as various moths will find it very difficult to lay their eggs around your yard.

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    Use Paper Cutworm Collars:

    Place paper cutworm collars around new or young plants in your garden. Always remember to push the collar into the soil so that it covers a couple of inches from the base of the plant. These collars will definitely protect your plants from cutworms.

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    Promote birds:

    One the best ways to get rid of cutworms is to get many different species of hungry birds to visit your garden. You can easily place feeders or birdbaths around various areas of your garden to attract birds. These birds will definitely help control the cutworm population in your garden as they enjoy feeding off these insects all day long. This is a great natural way of controlling these pests as it is simple and very cost effective.

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    Use Nematodez:

    Spread out some useful nematodez throughout the garden to help protect your plants from cutworms. These nematodez will attack the cutworms and help reduce the damage.

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    Spread Bt and bran:

    Use the organic way to control caterpillars by spreading some Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) mixed with bran around the topsoil before planting. This mixture is a great way to take back control of your garden from cutworms.

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    Delay planting:

    If you are still bothered by cutworms, try to delay planting until the end of the growing season. This is the time when cutworms are not very active. This, combined with the other methods, will definitely give your new or young plants a fighting chance against cutworms.


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