How to Convert an MP4 to AVI in Shareware

MP4 is one of the most common video file types and was first developed by the Moving Pictures Experts Group. MP4 files are especially developed to be played on different portable media players, such as iPod. On the other hand, AVI format was developed by Microsoft and takes less compression compared to MOVs and WMVs. So, if you have a MP4 file and you want to convert it into AVI format, then you can use a shareware or a downloadable shareware from the internet. The process of converting from MP4 to AVI using shareware is really easy and you can do it with just few clicks.


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    Open your web browser and navigate to your favourite search engine. Now search for different online shareware conversion sites which can help in converting MP4 files into AVI format.

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    From the search results, open different links in new windows and check them one by one. Choose the one which allows you conversion between your desired video formats.

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    Locate the "Upload" or "Select File" button on the website and click on it. A popup window will appear on your screen, asking you to locate the MP4 file that you want to convert to AVI format.

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    Select the file and click “OK”. You should now select "MP4" or "MPEG-4" as your input file format, as it is necessary for the shareware program to understand what type of conversion will be required. In the meantime, you should also make sure that the output format field is set to “AVI”.

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    Click the "Convert" or "Start" button to start the conversion process. Once the download is complete, you will see a popup window or just a link on the same page, which you can use to download the AVI version of the video.

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    Click the download link and specify the location where you want to save the AVI file on your computer. Apart from using an online version of the shareware conversion software, you can also download many shareware conversion software programs and install them on your computer.

  • 7

    There are different downloadable shareware conversion software programs available on the internet. You can look for them using a search engine. Download and install them on your computer and run the program file. The rest of the process will almost be the same as you followed in the online version.

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