How to Create Your Own Art Journal

Visual journaling, sometimes also called art journaling, is a journaling method that requires a combination of sketching and writing. An art journalist must be expert in combining words with art to expand people’s thought process. Users of journals can express themselves more freely and comprehensively. An art journal can be used by artists, writers and anyone who wants to journal his daily life. Creating an art journal is not as hard as some of us think. Moreover, by creating your own art journal, you can express your feeling and observations, capture thoughts and visualise the world in a better way.


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    Consider buying a journal from your nearest art store and decorate it with a painted cover and drawings. It is recommended to attach feathers, beads and other decorative elements to the journal to catch people’s attention. Make your art journal visually appealing to claim some fame in an extremely competitive industry.

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    Think of your interests and hobbies. This could be as simple as cooking and as deep as religion. Consider drawing an image that best represents your idea. You can sketch the image with a simple pen illustration or a complete art drawing. Whether it’s abstract or literal, spend a lot of time on the sketch to make it look attractive and beautiful.

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    Now choose a tile that will be placed right under the drawing itself. Write a brief description about what the drawing means to you. The idea is to express your observations, feelings and thoughts. Label the entries by date.

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    Use a theme to link your entries together. Make sure every entry relates to your initial concept so the journal comes together consistently. It is recommended not to use images and text for each entry. Instead use a combination of the two if required. If possible, alternate between abstract and literal representations of your observations. The main purpose to create an art journal is to link images to words and find images to fit your words. Therefore, it is advised to start each entry with whatever strikes you first. Consider building around it to give your journal a more natural look.

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