How to Deal With an Unwanted Houseguest

Everyone wants their guests to feel at home when they come to visit their house. However, some guests take this thing literally and decide to stay for a longer period of time. They complain about food you serve, facilities you provide and make their home inside your guest room. You want to get them out from your house but also do not want to hear bad things about you. It is recommended that you do not put up a fake smile but follow some simple tips in order to ward off your unwanted guests.


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    Tell them straight up

    It is strongly recommended that you tell your unwanted guests straight away that they are not welcome at your house. You need to tell them that you like their company but do not like them in your house. This option is much better than bearing their irritating presence in your house. Remember to be calm and not rude. In case there is a storm outside or they have just entered your house, you should not drive them away. You might end in killing the relationship if you rudely ward them off your house. They might get insulted or offended. You can tell them respectfully and frankly as this will prevent arousing of some hard feelings.

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    Visit them

    It is possible that some guests stick around with you a lot because you do not visit them often. Visit that person’s house and set an example of how to become a good guest. You need to say ‘Please’ and ‘Thank You’ on everything whether it is passing a TV remote or lowering the temperature of the Air Conditioner. You need to be courteous. You should be appreciative of your host and compliment him on serving food and for keeping their house in good shape. Even if you do not like the setting, you should compliment it as the hosts might have gone a long way for all this decorations.

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    Get rid of incentives

    People come to your house maybe because you cook a great meal, have a big 52-inch flat LED TV or have some other incentives. It is also possible you have a huge guest room. The best thing is to get rid of the incentives or the reason your unwanted guest is coming.

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    Send them packing

    If all else fails, you need to send them packing. There is a difference between making your guests feel at home and making your home their own. If your guests pile up your utility bills, make mess in your house, break or misplace your things, simply call the police and tell them that people have trespassed on your property. They will have to face the law if they won’t listen to you.

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