How to Eat Like a Fighter

Becoming a fighter is not an easy task. It takes years to nourish and tone your body to the level where it become strong and resistant enough to take hard beating. Since the rise of mixed martial arts, many youngsters dream of having a rock-solid physiques by training hard, eating well and sleeping right. However, it should be noted here that having a fighter’s physique is not about being bulky. You need to stay on a very precise diet and workout regime to ensure you get that much needed ripped physique that make you look like a fighter.


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    You should kick-start your day with an extremely nourishing breakfast. Your breakfast should have a fibre-rich cereal along with a couple of sources of proteins such as eggs, beef or salmon. Your day should start with enough energy to last the entire day or until you work out. If you can afford, take a scoop of whey protein with banana shake to make it more protein rich.

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    Your lunch should be rich in proteins and carbohydrates. Most people make the mistake of consuming a protein rich diet that is low in carbohydrates. Carbohydrates help in digesting protein and they are equally important as proteins. Proteins will help build your muscles while carbs will help digest the protein to the utmost.

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    Make sure you are eating at least four times a day. Avoid fast food and junk food, as it will only give your body undesired fat.

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    Your supper should be snacks. Try to consume nuts as part of your snacks to get enough calories and proteins to nourish your muscles.

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    Try consuming dry fruits on and off to get the necessary nutrients.

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    Try to consume raw fruits and vegetables to get the required vitamins and minerals.

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    Your dinner should be light yet based on protein and carbohydrates. Try to avoid beef and eggs in dinner. These foods tend to be a bit heavy to digest and can give you bloating.

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    If you cannot consume four meals a day, try to move onto supplements. Mainly, you should use supplements to increase strength and muscle mass. Try to opt for creatine and protein supplements. Creatine will help build your strength while protein will nourish your muscles.

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