How To Find Special Education Assessment

Children can suffer from varying degrees of disabilities which make it necessary for parents to seek help and look for special education programs. The Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA) provides every parent a chance to have their child tested for special needs and education where they need to take into consideration certain procedures to determine whether their child is indeed suffering from a disability.


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    Identifying a child’s need for special education. The process will vary from state to state but largely includes two broad methods.

    Firstly, each state has a designated office which carries out activities which helps them identify a child who requires special education due to a specific disability. Parents will be asked to aid the child service or simply contact the office themselves.

    Holding a meeting for evaluation. A meeting is set up to determine whether the child requires the service. A team will assess a child’s behaviour and particular skills by carrying out specific activities. That will include tests to examine his speaking, writing, hearing and listening capabilities before he is handed out a score.

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    In certain circumstances, the parents are likely to give a detailed history of their child, ranging from his medical conditions to any other behavioural change their child has gone through. A family history must also be provided upon request.

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    The child’s evaluation results are discussed. This is important as parents are concerned whether the child is being treated for the right sort of disability. If they disagree with the group which has carried out the evaluation, they are entitled to take their child for an Independent Education Evaluation.

    However, in most cases, the qualified professionals will try to explore other avenues to check for a particular disability. Most children with perfect communication and pronunciation skills still find it tough to process languages. In such cases, other aspects of behavioural changes are taken into account.

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    Eligibility is determined. Following the evaluation, if the child is found with a certain disability, he or she will be recommended for special education. The parents must now decide the specific school his child will attend and will further need to write an Individualized Education Programme (IEP) for their child.  The document will address the specific needs for the child, which will then be provided by the school district.

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    Services are provided, measured and reported. The school will provide the services, while further measure the progress made by the child before reporting it to the parents. After a year, an evaluation will be carried out to check whether the child has made any progress.

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