How to get 10,000 Twitter followers

In the modern world, no one has enough time to keep in touch with his/her friends or relatives without the help of technology. In such a busy routine, social media has been a revolution all around the world, as it has allowed people to interact with each other while sitting in different areas of the globe.

Almost everyone, who has access to the internet, uses different social networking sites to communicate with others and to make new friends. Twitter, without doubt, is one of the major online social networking sites; however, it can be a touch complicated for new users, who struggle to make sufficient amount of people following them.

By using the below given steps however, you can definitely have thousands of people following you on Twitter.


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    Make an attractive profile

    Once you sign up on Twitter, the next step is to complete your profile and make your home page as attractive as it can possibly be. A user must provide all the necessary information, which can impress the visitors on the page.

    Visit: Twitter Website

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    A striking display picture

    Most of the users have the tendency to get attracted by the main image of the profile; hence, it is crucial to have an attractive picture representing you, which will surely urge more and more people to follow you on Twitter.

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    Follow Others

    One of the most important things to do in order to get thousands of followers is to follow others. You must look to follow maximum number of people, which will help you become increasingly popular on Twitter.

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    Import contacts

    Twitter allows its users to import contacts from MSN, Hotmail, Yahoo and Gmail etc. It can really help you to get in touch with maximum number of people.

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    Target the people you want to follow

    Targeting the right people to follow is extremely important. For example, if you are interested in politics and news, it is imperative for you to follow different politicians and journalists, who themselves are being followed by a huge amount of Twitter users.

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    Be active in your approach

    Using your Twitter account actively is a prerequisite of getting more and more people to follow you. One must Tweet regularly about the happenings around the world and his/her personal life.

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    Use of Hashtags

    Until or unless you use Hashtags, your tweets will be only seen by the people who are following you; hence, restricting your ability to increase your network.

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    Promote your Twitter link

    You can promote your Twitter account through different methods, especially by including your Twitter link in every email.

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