How to Get Over a Fear of Strangers

Humans are social beings, however, yet there are many among us who are born with the tendency of exhibiting fear of strangers. This is quiet odd that while we are encouraged to mingle with strangers from the day we open our eyes in this world, yet till our grave we seldom get over a fear of strangers.

Nonetheless, there is no denying the fact that if we desire success in this world, there is no other option but to overcome our fears regarding meeting strangers.


  • 1

    We need to break the ice and start a conversation of mutual interest with a stranger in a local gathering. Talking is the key and at the same time, it is the most difficult task when it comes to breaking the shackles from isolation.

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    Before joining a social event, take some time to enhance your appearance which will make you feel good about yourself and add more confidence to your personality. It does not, however, mean that you have to wear a fancy dress or the accessories that go with it. Let us just say that if you are clean and groomed, you do not have anything to worry about.

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    Wear your favourite outfits and splash some perfume as it will give you more confidence to take an initiative to meet a stranger.

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    Notice that you are not the only one who is scared of all the strangers around him. There is every possibility that the stranger you are talking to is even more freaked to meet you than you think.

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    Try to lessen the unfamiliarity as you need to realise that people are a lot alike and all you need to do is find a common ground which will make it much easier to initiate a long conversation with a stranger.

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    You need to understand that no one is perfect which means that it is a rare probability that you are being judged. Perhaps it is the other guy who is thinking that you are judging him on his every move.

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    Do not let the fear of being rejected hold you back from initiating a conversation.

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    Choose open-ended questions to get the conversation going, followed by a subtle joke to ease your way in.

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    Keep your eyes and ears open and listen to the conversation. Remember a successful conversation involves more listening than talking. While you listen be sure to smile and nod to let the other person know that he has your full attention.

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