How to Know If You Are Having a Stroke

When an artery is blocked by a blood clot and consequently the flow of blood is interrupted, a stroke occurs. In common language, it is also known as a Brain Attack. Brain cells begin to die as a result of a stroke and it severely damages your brain. A stroke has the potential to cause death, and even if it does not, it can easily cause permanent damage. In order to stop a stroke from ruining your life, it is extremely important to deal with the attack at the right time, before it is too late, which is possible only if you have a proper understanding of the symptoms of a stroke.
Learn the symptoms
It is extremely important that you learn about stroke symptoms and research them properly over the internet or read relevant books. Some of the main symptoms of a stroke are tingling in the face, sudden mental confusion, slurred speech, difficulty in understanding words and sentences, weakening eye sight and trouble in standing up and walking up. -
Consult a stroke victim
Stroke has become very common these days and it is not difficult to find people who have suffered from a stroke. Consult a stroke victim and ask questions about how he or she felt before going through the attack. They can help you a great deal in recognizing a stroke if you get one. -
Talk to family members
You may ask a family member or a friend to have a conversation with you. If you slur or use wrong words, chances are high that you are suffering from a stroke. Being not able to understand or comprehend what the other person is saying is also an indication that you may be having a stroke. -
Go to a doctor
If you are having all or some of the above mentioned symptoms, the most important thing for you is to keep your calm and not panic, since that can worsen your condition. To be on the safe side, you should immediately consult a doctor for a proper diagnosis and and recommendations.