How to Learn About Plant at the Eden Project

The Eden Project, completed in 2000 and inaugurated in 2001, is a multiple greenhouse complex located at St Blazey, Cornwall, United Kingdom. It is a massive visitor attraction in Cornwall. Plants, collected from all around the world, are placed inside the artificial biomes. Looking from a distance, the most dominant part of the complex are the two huge enclosures, which consist of adjoining domes, where thousands of plant species are placed. Each of these enclosures looks like a natural biome. One dome emulates the Mediterranean environment; whereas, the other a tropical environment.

The Eden Project provides a great opportunity to students and people of all ages to learn and enhance their knowledge about different plants.

Things Required:

– Booking confirmations
– Credit Card
– A handbook
– A pen


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    You can purchase the tickets over the internet or on arrival at the Eden Project. If you buy two adult and two child tickets, you can save more than six pounds. Price of a ticket for an adult on the door is 23.50 Pounds; whereas, it is 10.50 Pounds for a child of 5 to 16 years. Tickets for children of less than four years are absolutely free. You can get Green Discount if you have reached the Eden Project through public transport.

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    Before you go to Eden Project to learn more about plants, it is imperative that you have done your homework. You may visit the website of the project and take all the required information. Before you practically see the plants in front of you, you can explore profiles of more than 70 plants growing at Eden on the website, which allows you to discover the ways to use a plant, scientific descriptions and its photos.

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    Adult and professional learning

    The Eden Project offers a variety of short courses for adults and professionals. The best things about learning at the Eden Project are the practical approaches adopted by expert teachers and a fantastic venue for training. Apart from short courses, the Project also offers learning programs for people who are looking to enhance their interest about plants.

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    Eden Sessions

    The Eden Project allows you to get entertained while learning about plants. Since the opening of the project, the management has been regularly organising musical performances of different bands. Therefore, it is a great chance for you to get mentally refreshed while you gain knowledge at the Eden Project.

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