How to Learn Stage Hypnotism

Many of us have seen a show with stage hypnotism being performed on the volunteers. The wild and wacky things they do give the audience a good laugh. However, if you are interested in learning stage hypnotism it will take a lot of patience and hard work to realise your dreams. Learning stage hypnotism is not easy but if you have the dedication and the passion of learning this art then you can follow a few simple guidelines to help you get on that stage and hypnotize people for entertainment and of course money.


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    Learn hypnosis:

    In order to become a stage hypnotist you will have to learn hypnosis. This can be rather challenging as not everyone has what it takes to be able to hypnotize another person.

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    Take a course:

    There are various courses that are usually offered by certified clinical hypnotherapists that you can take for a certain fee. Remember, you will need to complete a large amount of hours in your training to become certified.

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    Go online:

    You can study hypnosis from various online programs and sources. However, when learning hypnosis online, make sure that it is a certified program that is recognised around the world. You can also download a lot of reading materials and videos that can help you learn hypnosis.

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    Buy books:

    You can buy a wide variety of books that you can use to learn hypnosis. These books are usually written by professionals for people starting out in this field. You can find these books online, in the library and at your local bookstore.

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    Learn performance arts:

    Becoming a stage hypnotist also includes learning how to act on stage. You can take a short stage acting course at your local theatre or community college to get a better understanding on how to perform on a stage in front of people. Remember to learn as much as you can as this will help you add to your performance through your interaction with the audience.

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    Visit shows:

    Try to visit a lot of stage hypnotism shows in and around your area. Carefully observe everything and if possible take notes. Here you will get a good sense of what it takes to be on stage and performing in front of a packed audience. Be sure to note the audience reactions to different things the performer is doing on stage.

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    Watch movies / DVD’s:

    Watch as many movies and DVD’s related to hypnotism and stage performances as possible. You start to develop a good understanding of what it takes to become a stage hypnotist.

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