How To Make a Moisturizing Body Oil for Dry Hands and Feet

Dry and rough skin is one of the most prominent impacts of winter upon you. Some people have naturally dry skin, no matter it is blistering winter or scorching summer heat. Skin moisturizers become necessary for dry skin, as it provides the required nourishment for rejuvenation and softness in skin. It is also noticed that we pay a lot of attention on your face and tend to ignore the beauty of our hands and feet at the same time. Clean and soft hands and feet have such an impact upon our overall personality. You can find a plenty of skin moisturizing brands for hands and feet in the market but the good ones are relatively expensive. Moreover, not many of us want to spend so many bucks on merely hands and feet! You can make your own natural moisturizer for hands and feet at home and it will be really beneficial if used regularly.


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    The main ingredient you need for skin moisturizer is emulsifying wax. You can easily find it from any quality beauty store, cosmetic shop or even order it online.

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    Any good moisturizer contains natural oils to remove skin dryness. You can choose any oil which suit your skin and contain the aroma you like. Essential oils are readily available at health food stores and online orders can also be found for convenience. Do buy olive oil, as it is one of the most vital ingredients of a good skin moisturizer.

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    Measure one-fourth cup of emulsifying wax and add the same quantity of olive oil to it in a microwave-safe glass bowl. Mix up the contents well.

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    Place the bowl in a microwave oven for about one minute. You actually need to heat the mixture until it reached 68C temperature.

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    Now add one and a quarter cup of water into a separate container and heat it for one minute or until its temperature rises to 48C.

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    Take the essential oils you have selected and add 24 to 36 drops of them into the heated mixture, according to the strength of aroma they posses. These oils are actually extracted from plants and their purpose is to provide aroma to your moisturizer. You can choose any essential oil according to your taste.

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    Now add hot water to the mixture of emulsifying wax and oils. The Mixture will turn white after you have added the hot water to it.

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    Pour the hot lotion you have prepared into the jars where you want to preserve it.

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    Allow your moisturizer to settle and cool overnight before using it. Apply to your hands, feet and entire body to get soft and smooth skin!

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