How to Make a Wine Cellar at Home

Making a wine cellar at home is the perfect way to protect your valuable investment. A wine cellar provides the ultimate storage facility that is humidity, temperature and vibration controlled. Although making your own wine cellar can be rather challenging, with the proper guidelines and a few supplies you can get the job done and store your valuable wine for future use.

Things Required:

– Plastic Vapour Barrier
– Concrete Sealant
– Wine Racks
– Wood Shims
– Tape Measure
– Hammer
– Nails
– Mop
– Insulated Door
– Carpenter’s Level
– Insulation
– All Purpose Adhesive
– Foam Spray
– Cooling Unit
– Mildew Resistant Wall Finishing Items


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    Choose a suitable location in your home for a wine cellar. Remember you will need decent space if your wine collection is large. However, if you only keep a few bottles in your collection then you can easily make your own wine cellar using very little space. Usually the basement is a good place to make a wine cellar because it does not get direct sunlight and it is relatively easy to convert a small area using some basic building techniques.

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    Prep area

    Using the mop, you will want to put the concrete sealant on the floor. You will want two coats minimum. Make sure you leave a two hour gap between coats so that you get a nice even layer. It will take close to 36 hours for the sealant to cure.

    Use the hammer and nails to put up the plastic vapour barrier. You will also want to add the insulation and fill other areas with spray foam.

    Mount the insulated door using the wood shims to ensure everything is balanced. Once the door has been attached, it is time to use the mildew resistant wall finishing material. Carefully apply it all over the walls and floor to ensure protection from any mildew.

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    Install cooling unit

    Now you will have to install the cooling unit to keep your wine cellar temperature and humidity controlled. Use the tape measure to determine the size of the wine cellar, as this will provide the necessary information for the type of cooling unit that will be required. Once you have purchased the right cooling unit, you will have to carefully install it in the wine cellar. Make sure that you connect all the electrical systems to the house so that you can easily control the wine cellar's temperature.

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    Install wine racks

    Now you can install the wine racks against the walls. If you have a lot of racks then you can also just place them side by side, leaving some distance so that you can have access to your wine collection.

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