How to Make a Wine Spritzer

If you have never tried a wine spritzer, what exactly are you waiting for? I guess you don’t like things that are delicious and refreshing, right? Of course we say that all in jest, as to be honest I hadn’t tried one until last weekend. The thing is though, I liked it enough to want to write about it. That should speak volumes.

Please ensure that if you plan on drinking, then make the choice to not drive. Be responsible and considerate to everyone else on the road.

Things Required:

– 1 cup chilled white wine
– 1/2 cup of club soda or other carbonated water
– Ice
– A glass
– Lemon wedge (optional garnish)


  • 1

    Suggested Mix

    In order to create a delicious spritzer, mix 1 cup of chilled white wine with 1/2 cup of club soda. Pour the mixture into a glass filled with ice. It is literally that simple. If you opted for the lemon wedge, feel free to squeeze some into the drink or garnish your glass.

  • 2

    Have it Your Way

    The great thing about a spritzer is that you can mix it in whatever proportion tickles your fancy. Equal parts wine and club soda work just as well as a splash or two of club soda in a glass of wine.

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