How to Make Memories with Your Children

You forget things but the memories you create, live forever. Memories not only last lifetime but also help you get over bad times of your life. They also increase bond and ties between families. Making memories with your children is easy and you can cherish with them forever. Once your child gets older, you can recall those memories and have a great moment with each other. You can even capture your child’s special moments and play them when they get old. Take them to different and special places in order to create memories.


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    Spend quality time with your children

    You should spend quality time with your children in order to make memories. Arrange a special family night every week and involve the whole family to take part in a fun activity. You can go camping, make dinner with family, share jokes, play board games or other activity games and even involve the whole family for craft projects.

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    Take your child out for dinner at least once or twice a month. Express how much you love your child and give him a gift or a card. You can take them out in a place your child loves.

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    Scrapbook or photo journal

    Take photos on every special moment you are with your child. After gathering many pictures, get a scrapbook or photo journal and organize photos in it. Do this in monthly basis and when you are organizing photos with your children, you can remind them of the incidents which happened on that day.

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    Slumber party

    You should arrange slumber parties for your young daughter. Let her invite their friends to your home and make or order dinner for them. Organise fun games and activities with them and make your daughter realize how much you adore her.

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    When your kid goes on a vacation or on camping then you can write letters on weekly basis or send them emails on daily basis. Express your feelings in the mails and tell your kids how much you love and care about them. Also tell how much you are missing them and you can’t wait for their return.

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    Family trips

    You should take your family to vacations after every six months or a year. Take them to historical places, Disneyland, fun places etc and have a lot of fun with them. Remember to capture your moments when you are on vacations with your family.

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