How to Make Shaving Cream Puffy Paint

You can give your kids a great start to painting art with a shaving cream puffy paint. Children particularly find attractive to play with shaving cream puffy paint while trying to draw on board anything they can conceive in their mind. Although shaving cream puffy paint can be used in white colour on the blackboard, you can add some food colour to it. Shaving cream puffy paint does not look much different to normal paint once dried on the board, and it is great fun to paint.


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    Shaving Cream

    Start with pouring shaving cream in a bowl. You do not have to measure the quantity, but take as much as you think can be enough to draw something on a board. You also do not have to worry about the quality and branding aspect of the shaving cream because almost all shaving creams can be used in making the paint. However, read the expiry date carefully and better avoid use of expired cream, it can cause some reactions or side-effects if you or your children use the paint with bare hands.

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    Add White Glue

    Make the paint sticky by adding some white glue to it. Take the glue quantity lesser than the shaving cream, although there is no specifically recommended scale for the glue. Adding glue is essential as it can make the paint more sticky.

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    Stir Ingredients

    With help of a table spoon or a piece of wood, stir both content while holding the bowl tightly. Do not let the bowl shake because it can spill out the shaving cream, which is very light and soft. Continue stirring until you find both contents mixed with each other thoroughly and turned into a thick and sticky paste.

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    Add Colour

    You can also add some powder paint, food colouring or normal paint to give the shaving cream puffy paint a colour so the piece of art you want to paint will appear in great colour. Stir the paint after you have added it to the shaving cream and glue paste so that colour is mixed entirely in the paint.

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    You can paint with shaving cream puffy paint with help of a spoon, paintbrush or even fingers. You can also let your children start their painting ambition on a board. Since the shaving cream paint is soft and sticky, children find it a great fun to paint with it. Above all, the piece of the art painted  appears to be something painted with natural paint when it dries.

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