How to Marinate Carne Asada

Carne Asada is one among the famous Mexican dishes that are well-liked around the globe. The word “Carne Asada” is basically a description of a party where this delicious dish is prepared and handed out. It is mainly a marinated and grilled (roasted) beef that is dished up traditionally in burritos, tortillas, or tacos. You can serve it with some plain rice and beans on the side. Fresh lime it the key ingredient of Carne Asada, which not only provides a luscious essence, but also thaws the roasted beef with its citric juice.

Normally Carne Asada is made from skirt steak or flank steak. Otherwise, you can simply grill it with salt and ground black pepper for nice flavouring. The secret of Carne Asada’s favour and taste lies in its marinating. Therefore, it is important to learn the simple procedure to Marinate Carne Asada to enjoy its traditional taste.

Things Required:

– Mixing bowl
– Sharp Knife
– Beef skirt steak (1 lb)
– Fresh limes (6 to 8)
– Lemon/Lime Squeezer
– Salt (to taste)
– Freshly ground black pepper (to taste)
– Large glass bowls
– Tongs
– Cutting board
– Large wooden fork
– Plastic wrapping sheet


  • 1

    Use a sharp knife to cut the 6 to 8 limes in half and squeeze their juice into a medium bowl.

  • 2

    Now arrange 1 lb of beef skirt steak in a large cutting board and trim off the excess fat.

  • 3

    Cut the beef into few pieces, approximately 4-inch long.

  • 4

    Arrange the beef strips into a large mixing bowl and drizzle the recently extracted lime juice over it.

  • 5

    Use a wrapping sheet to cover the bowl and place it in your refrigerator. Now let it refrigerate for minimum one hour and maximum for hours.

  • 6

    Turn the beef mixture after every twenty minutes, using a large wooden fork.

  • 7

    Remove the bowl from refrigerator and on kitchen counter top.

  • 8

    Take out the meat strips from the marinate mixture, using tongs.

  • 9

    Pat dry the meat strips with a kitchen or paper towel and arrange in a large plate.

  • 10

    Copiously sprinkle the marinated meat with some salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste.

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