How to Patch Damaged Carpeting

If the carpet in your room is old and has been damaged in small patches in more than one place, you may be thinking to replace the whole carpet. However, you can patch the damaged carpet areas to make the carpet look very close to brand new once again. This will not only save you a lot of money which you would have spent to buy a new carpet for the whole room, but will also save you the effort of removing everything from the room in order to clear the floor for a new carpet.
Patching damaged areas of a carpet is a very easy job and will not take up too much of your time. All you need to finish the task is a spray adhesive, a pair of scissors, a utility knife and a metal lid. As soon as you have gathered all the necessary things, you just need to spend about 25 to 30 minutes to complete the task at hand.
– Spray adhesive
– Pair of scissors
– Utility knife
– Metal lid
Cut a piece of carpet that you are going to use in order to patch damaged areas in the carpet. Make sure that the piece of carpet you cut is at least a couple of inches larger than the damaged area on all sides.
Now it comes to preparing the carpet patch that you will be using to repair the damaged area. Place a circular metal lid on the piece of carpet from the earlier step. Along the boundaries of the lid can, cut the carpet with a utility knife. Try to be as neat as possible while cutting. When you are done, you will end up with a circular patch of carpet.
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Place the same metal lid on the damaged area. Make sure that the lid completely covers the damaged area. Cut along the boundary of the lid with a sharp utility knife. This will create a circular hole in the carpet. Apply a layer of adhesive material using. Place the circular patch you made in the earlier step to fill the hole in the carpet. Firmly press the patch downward and wait for the adhesive to dry.
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By patching it up, you have successfully repaired one of the areas where the carpet was damaged.