How to Propagate Swedish Ivy

Swedish ivy is a popular house plant that is native to Australia but got its name due to its popularity in Sweden. Not technically an ivy, it is a member of the mint family but has been named such owing to how its branches cascade over the sides of the pot, resembling ivy.

Just like other plants of the mint family, Swedish ivy is also propagated through stem cutting, making it very easy to reproduce this plant and pass it around to friends. Swedish ivy plants are best planted in hanging baskets, with their glossy leaves cascading freely over the sides of the basket.

Things Required:

– Sharp knife
– Rubbing alcohol
– Commercial potting mixture
– Pot with drainage hole
– Saucer of water
– Rooting hormone
– Plastic bag
– Stakes
– Spray bottle
– A pair of rubber gloves


  • 1

    Cut a four to five inch long stem cutting (with at least three to four leaves) from the tip of a healthy Swedish ivy.

  • 2

    Fill a medium sized pot with a good quality, well draining potting mixture, containing perlite, peat, vermiculite, or sand.

  • 3

    Place the pot in a saucer containing water to allow the potting medium to suck the water. The purpose however, is to make it moist, but not dripping wet.

  • 4

    Pinch the lower leaves of the stem cutting and dip its lower end in a rooting hormone before planting it in the pot. Make sure the leaves on the cutting are well above the potting mixture.

  • 5

    Cover the pot with a plastic bag but make sure it does not touch the Swedish ivy cutting.

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    Place the pot in a warm room that receives indirect light.

  • 7

    Do not let the potting mixture dry out until the cutting has developed roots. Mist the soil lightly with a spray bottle whenever the potting mixture feels dry to touch.

  • 8

    Once the stem cutting has developed roots, remove the plastic bag.

  • 9

    Prune a Swedish ivy plant once a year. This plant begins to decline when its stems become hard and wooden. Pruning once a year would ensure that you always have a fresh looking, thriving plant.

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