Creating a Space to Scrapbook

If you were like many beginning scrapbook enthusiasts, you first scrapped at the dinning room or kitchen table. Maybe you were even able to contain everything in one convenient tote. From there, you might have commandeered a corner of the home office, or even your bedroom or family room. Suddenly though, you discover that you and your scrapbook supplies are spilling out all over, taking up more and more room, and not in any organized fashion whatsoever. When this happens, (and believe me it will) it is time to create a workable space to call your own!
With organizational products a booming industry, finding a solution should not be that difficult, but there are issues you will need to consider when it comes to organizing your scrapbook supplies compared to other household items.
Take Inventory
Before you do anything, take an inventory of what you have, all of it, including supplies, tools, and the works. If you intend to keep your computer, scanner, printer, digital camera, docking station, or any other such equipment in your scrapbook area, then be sure you take all of it into consideration too. If you have supplies tucked into closets, stored under the bed, wherever, now is the time to pull it all out so that you can take a realistic evaluation of just how much space you are going to require.
Assess the Size of the Needed Space
Size of the area you plan to convert should be able to accommodate a variety of needs. Storage and workspace must be both adequate and sufficient. If you can store everything but have no room to work, your space will not be as efficient as it could be. When considering places in your home to convert to a dedicated scrapbook area, be sure to consider the entire space too, both horizontally and vertically. Too often, we overlook vertical storage, but with so much small stuff, vertical storage is ideal, and this will also leave the horizontal areas for workspace.
Check out Other Scrapbook Space Solutions
Sometimes, it is hard to conjure up exactly what our needs are, especially when it comes to organizing all of our scrapbook supplies. For example, just what should one do with fifty spools of ribbon, a dozen jars of buttons and eclectic notions, and paper in sizes from tiny scraps to big12″ x “12 sheets?
Browse the Internet for ideas, as many scrapbook enthusiasts love to share their own spaces with others, for one reason because scrapbooking and organization do not necessarily go together. When someone does come up with a plan, they are often eager to share their plans and ideas. While someone else’s space might not be a perfect fit for your room, you can often discover tidbits of ideas here and there, until you have the perfect solution of your own.
Put it all Together
Unless you follow through with creating, a space of your own to scrapbook in, you might be forever dreaming about it, but never getting any of it accomplished. I have even heard some say that procrastinators and scrap bookers are one and the same. Do not let yourself be dragged into this quota, step above it, and create your own scrapbook space so you can scrapbook whenever the whim strikes, and know that all of your supplies and tools are organized and easily accessible.