How to Replace Car Seat Springs

All car seats tend to wear down with the passage of time. The most common reason is that the springs underneath the seats become bent, damaged or completely broken. It makes the seat less comfortable to sit on and makes it look disoriented and out of shape.

If this happens with your car too there is no need to worry. You do not have to get the complete seat replaced. You should replace seat springs to restore the original shape and comfort of your car seats.

Things Required:

– Ratchet set
– Wire cutters
– Drill bit
– Soldering gun
– Staple gun and staples


  • 1

    Inspect the seat to check the source of the problem. After confirming that the issue lies with the springs of the seat, remove the seat from the car. Use a wrench to loosen the bolts on the underside of the seat. Put the seat on top of a table upside down and locate the springs in the seat.

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    You may have to tear away some portion of the foam in order to get to the springs. You will have to remove the batting from the seat as well. Inspect whether the springs are damaged or bent. If they are bend use wire cutters and a set of pliers to re-mould them in their proper shape. If they are damaged you will have to cut the spring from both ends and replace them one at a time.

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    Remove the threaded part of the drill bit. Use the drill machine to drill inside the bit to make it hollow, drill only till the centre of the drill bit fits on the broken ends of the spring. You may have to work on this step many times before you get the right fit.

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    Put a safety wire in between the springs and use a solder iron to fix the new spring in its place. The purpose of the safety wire is to stabilize the spring and make sure that the soldered seal does not break. Put solution tape on the seal after it cools down.

  • 5

    Follow this step for all damaged or worn out springs in the seat. After getting done with one seat, remove another one and follow the same procedure to fix its springs as well. With the help of a stapling gun, Replace the fabric on the bottom of the car seat with the help of a stapling gun.

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