How to Talk to Kids about Weight Loss

Conversation with your kids regarding the weight loss is no doubt one among the sensitive issues. Obviously, you are concerned about your kids’ health and that is the reason why you want to talk to them, but you really have to be careful while talking to them. Make sure to choose right time and right occasion in order to talk to them. Talking about the negative impacts of putting on weight can have a negative impact on the susceptible minds of your children, no matter their age. However, you can get an idea from this simple guide of step by step to talk to your kids about weight loss. We are sure that you will enjoy talking to them about weight loss:


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    Do you home work

    A sudden discussion on weight loss can have a negative impact on the mind of your kids. Do your homework, regarding how to start the discussion and how to motivate them.

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    Talk to them in a friendly environment

    Do not act like typical parents and be their friends this time as you have to persuade them in any case. Sit with them and talk about their general activities before coming towards the discussion of weight loss. For example, talk about their school activities, friends and hobbies etc.

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    Motivate them rather than forcing them

    Motivating you kids is the best weapon to convince them about weight loss. You cannot force their sensitive mind and cannot exert pressure on them as it can have adverse effect on your relationships with your kids.

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    Be careful about your wordings

    You wordings during your conversation with your kids play very important role in winning their hearts and minds. Forget about using the bulky words like diet, dirty, weight, overweight, fat, big binned etc. You can better use sophisticated words like clean, healthy, chubby, and unhealthy etc.

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    Avoid critical remarks

    Avoid critical remarks about the increase in the weight of your kids as it can have an off-putting impact on them. Once they get discouraged, simply forget about diverting their minds towards the importance of weight loss. Do not quote any example regarding the negative impact of weight gain on the health of your kids. Rather than negative remarks, why you do not talk about the positive impact of weight loss.

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    Do not ask them for dieting

    Do not ask them for dieting as their tiny digestive system requires proper proportion of food per day –especially during growing age. Instead of asking them for dieting, encourage them to take healthy and low calorie food. Ask them in a polite way to avoid junk foods or the low quality food items.

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    Quote some positive example

    Quote some positive examples regarding losing weight or keeping it under control. For example, you can give an example of their friends who always win various games just because of their healthy and slim body. Moreover, you can associate their ambitions with the importance of weight loss in order to get the desired results. No doubt, they will word hard to reduce the extra fats in order to make their dreams come true.

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    Offer them some low-calorie foods

    Kids are fond of eating. You might find it difficult to ask them to skip their favorite high calorie food items like fries, burgers and carbonated drinks etc. you can ask them politely to replace their high-calorie foods with the low-calorie ones like, fruit mix, some healthy salads, fresh juices or vegetable sandwiches etc.

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