How to Teach Manners to Toddlers

Manners learnt as a child whether they are good are bad survive through all the years. Children as toddlers are most lenient to change and open to learn. It is the perfect age to train them in the best of manners so that they turn into a nice and cultured person when they grow up. It is a parent’s way of forming a good society by breeding children who are respectable and well mannered. Our step by step guide has some advises for parents who want to teach good manners to their children right from the start.


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    The magic words

    ‘Please’ and ‘Thank you’ are two magic words that should mark the start of toddler training. Train them to use these often by doing it yourself. When they demand for something like milk,. Ask them to add please and when you hand it over to them, remind them to say thank you. Instill it in their psychology by practicing it regularly.

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    Invite your child’s friends over for a play session. Encourage your child to share his excess toys with them and play in a manner where no one is left out. Tell him or her that they are the host so that they should have that sense of responsibility about taking care of them. When you bring in snacks, ask your child to help you in distributing them. In the same process, train him to take care of the stuff others are sharing with him. He should know that he is to be more responsible when dealing with things which are not his own and should be returned unharmed.

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    When your friends or family come over, teach your child to greet them with a wish and handshake or possibly a hug if they are close. They should know to use hello and good bye with a smile. At the toddler age, children should ideally be trained in phone etiquette.

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    At table treat your child like any other individual by first training him in using the cutlery and then expecting to follow it. Ask him to pass dishes which he can handle. The use of ‘thank you’ and ‘please’ can be practiced at the table by passing dishes. Table manners start at this age where children should be trained on how to eat various dishes, use utensils, clear food etc. Ask them to put as much food in their plate as they can eat and be very strict about it. Do not let them get into the habit of singling out food that they do not like. Explain to them the benefits while having variety of food.

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    If you trip on your child’s feet or drop his or her toy, apologize readily with a ‘sorry’ and make up for it. Children should know that an apology without making up for it is a hollow one. So they should correct their mistakes whenever they do something wrong.

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    Kind voice

    It is usually the loudness of our voice which makes all the difference. Use soft and kind words around the house. Parents should avoid fights and arguments in front of children. Speak nice of other people and praise openly in front of the kids so that they build up a positive personality. Avoid cursing at all costs.

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    Treat and praise

    Appreciation works wonders. A child should know that a display of good manners pleases you and earns him treats and praises. The treats should be small and memorable like a mug or plate with a print of his favorite cartoon character for good table manners. Make this a motivational factor for him. With time it will be part of his personality without any such motivation factors involved. At the same time remind a child that bad manners are going to earn them cuts in privileges. However do not make the cuts harsh to an extent where the child becomes stubborn.

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    Be an example yourself

    Children are known to be the best imitators. The best way to teach them manners is to display them yourself. As a parent it is your responsibility to exhibit the best of manners, especially when young children are around.

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