How to Use an Epipen on a Child

Nowadays more and more children are getting allergies, especially food related. Due to this, doctors usually prescribe epinephrine auto-injectors (EpiPens). Given their utility, it is essential to know how to use EpiPens. Children generally do not face problems with a dose of Epinephrine and Epipens are very effective for quick delivery. The procedure of applying Epipens however, might be stressful and in order to treat the allergic reaction on a child you are required to know when and how to use the Epipen. For this purpose you need to know the ASCIA Action plan which tells you what to do and when to use an Epipen.


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    When to use an Epipen

    Anaphylaxis action plan tells you when and how to use an Epipen. It is advisable to use an Epipen on someone who has symptoms like difficulty in breathing, swelling in throat, difficulty in talking, swelling of tongue, Persistent coughing and wheezing. Dizziness, collapsing and paleness are also some of the symptoms after which you need to apply Epipens.

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    Epipen trainer

    Before applying an actual Epipen, you can practice by using an Epipen trainer. You can get it for free by simply joining the EpiClub.

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    Remove the safety cap

    First you need to remove the Epipen from the container and then take off the safety removal cap. You are required to know that the orange side contains the needle. You should not touch this side with your hands, fingers or thumbs. The orange side is meant for the thighs of the child. Keep in mind that blue resembles the sky and it should be upwards. You can hold the Epipen from this side.

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    You need to place the orange end against the outer mid-thigh of the child you are treating. This is because this region is the fleshiest and meatiest. You are required to hold the child securely when applying the Epipen.

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    Push hard

    You are required to push the Epipen hard on the child’s thigh until you hear a clicking sound. This will take almost 10 seconds.

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    Remove the Epipen

    After hearing the clicking sound, you need to remove the Epipen. Remember that Epipens are used once and discarded after applying. Furthermore, the orange shield covers its needle.

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