Simple Steps To Good Parenting

Being a parent can be one of the most satisfying experiences of your life, despite the challenges you are most likely to face along the way. As a parent, it is your sole responsibility to see to it that your child is able to handle him or herself all certain situations they might be faced with in life. Failing to put these things in place can affect the child’s physical, mental and emotional state of well-being in so many ways.This where good parenting skills come in.

Good parenting lays a solid foundation that your child can build on as a young adult in the long run. The sooner you start implementing good parenting skills, the better for your child. These skills are evident is the most seemingly insignificant actions or words. The subtlety of these skills cause them to be lost on a many parents especially first-time parents trying to figure out their new roles as first time mummies and daddies. That is why parents must grasp these parenting guidelines that will most certainly help them do well with their children from pre-school, teenage life, all the way to adolescence.



  • 1

    Watch your actions

    Whether you know this or not, your child imitates all that they see you do and say. And for that reason, it is best to avoid doing things like cursing, fighting and even indulging in sexual activities in front of the child. Unless for whatever reasons you’d like to see your child start cursing out and constantly fighting his colleagues from that little age?

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    Avoid being too loving

    No matter how loving and caring you might be as a parent, avoid over pampering your child. You might not immediately begin to rip the negative consequences of doing such, but in the long run, you will. You must learn to say ‘’no’’ to the child from time to time instead of ‘’yes’’ always.

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    Get involved in your child’s life

    Your child’s hobby, personal interests, favorite story books and the kind of friends he hangs with and so on, should concern you. Most children growing up, will not willingly open up to their parents, therefore, it is the parent’s duty to gently prompt to know all there is to know about their child’s outside life. That way, you can easily advise them based on what you feel is best for them. Most importantly, you will eventually establish a stronger bond between yourself and your child, such that, he or she can feel comfortable enough to tell you about anything and everything.

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    Adjust as your child grows up

    See your children as a work in progress, requiring various treatment at various points in their lives. For instance, if at the age of five, your son never forgets to give you a hug you as you drop him off at school, don’t expect him to continue doing that when he turns ten. So instead of complaining about the sudden changes in front of his friends and end up making him feel embarrassed, just let it go and understand that he has outgrown such! If you try to push him too much, he might just end up, resenting you, which isn’t a good thing.

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    Set ground rules

    You have to manage your child’s behavior from when he is young, so that when he grows, he won’t have a hard time managing himself. Ground rules is what helps the child to know his or her limits. The child ought to know that by ‘’8pm’’ he ought to at home, otherwise, there would be consequences. That way, you’ll gradually condition him to know the repercussions of not obeying instructions and what it takes to do the right thing always.


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    Teach your child to be independent

    You will not be there to always tuck his shirt for him, tie his shoe lace or knot his tie properly, so you need to teach him how to do certain things, so that when he is all by himself, he’d find them easy to do.

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    Avoid harsh discipline

    The consequences of being too harsh on a child can be very drastic and unpredictable. Most children have ran away from home, as a result of their parents being too harsh on them. So avoid such methods of discipline at all cost.

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    Help your children find their passion

    As your daughter grows up, you might begin to know what she’s likely to succeed at best, whether as a full time career or as a side gig. And it is your place as a parent to help her discover her maximum potential in whatever it might be.

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    Assist with school work

    Unless your child has graduated from high school, never forget to offer a help with homework. Every parent wants to see their child excel academically. So the sooner you get involved with his school projects, assignments and so on, the faster you’ll help him become a genius. These are crucial bonding times between you and you child do not miss out.


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    Tell your child how much you love them

    There’s nothing like parental affection. The more you tell your child how much you love them, the more likely they are able to reflect that same kind of love to the outside world. And most importantly, even if the child does not reciprocate using the same words, be sure that they’ll surely genuinely love you back.

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    Whether you have 2 or more kids, applying these tips appropriately will surely allow for them to grow up to become the fine young men and women that they ought to be.

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