Smiles N’ Stuff Dubai Overview

At All Noor Training Center for Children with Special Needs, Smile n’ Stuff inaugurated its business. The shop sells craft items that are hand made by students. Most of the items include T-shits, hand bags, stationary, towels and several other unique items. The innovative designs of each item will grab your attention.

Management aims to spread their business on very large scale by introducing it in several other places; this will allow them to showcase the hidden talent of their students.

Smiles n’ Stuff’s vision is to provide employment to deprived people of the society, money making is not their actual goal. Smiles n’ Stuff welcomes everyone so that people can visit the place in urge to help the local community.


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    Students of the local community are taught various handicraft skills such as carpentry, sewing, bakery, screen printing and baking, so that they can find a field of their interest and work in it.

    The disabled community of Dubai is given a chance of employment at Smiles n’ Stuff.

    Former students are also employed at Smiles n’ Stuff.

    Besides just giving them job the management also teaches their students how to receive criticism and take orders.  Basically they educate them with the basic rules of job and how to handle complex situation.

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    Operational Hours:

    From Sunday till Thursday Smiles n’ Stuff remains open between 9:00 am and 4:00 pm.

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    How to contact:

    If you wish to become a part of Smiles n’ Stuff or intent to help them then make a call on the number given as follow:

    Contact: +971 4 340 4844

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    Al Noor Training Centre for Children with Special Needs, Barsha, Dubai - United Arab Emirates

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    How to Get to Smiles n’ Stuff:

    Bus is the best mode of transport to the center. The nearest bus stop is Al Barsha, Lulu Supermarket 2, it will take 2 minutes to cover the distance from the stop till Smiles n’ Stuff. From the stop you will have to head in the southeast direction and walk straight until you cover 87 meters distance then take a right and then take a left turn after covering little distance. For a detail view of the pedestrian route take help from this Link.

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