Thai Green Papaya Salad Recipe

Thai Green Papaya Salad is an appetizing dish, bursting with zest and color.  Traditionally, this amazing salad is served eaten throughout Thailand and is sprinkled with coarsely chopped salted peanuts. You can serve it as a morning brunch, side dish with barbecue chicken, and can take along on a picnic. The amazing lime juice dressing improves the overall taste of the Thai Green Papaya Salad. You can prepare the dressing ahead of time and then merge it with rest of the ingredients, just before serving. However, it is better not to store this salad longer than 24 hours, once you top it with the dressing.

This Thai Green Papaya Salad Recipe makes 6 servings, though you can increase the proportion of the ingredients according to your necessity.

Read the given below steps to learn how to make a Spinach and Mango Salad:

Preparation Time: 25 to 30 minutes
Serving Size:
Utensils: One large serving or salad bowl, one medium mixing bowl, one medium pot, stove, sharp knife, cutting board, one large whisk of spoon, one medium strainer

– 5 tablespoons fresh lime juice
– 3 tablespoons (packed) palm sugar or golden brown sugar
– 2 tablespoons plus 2 teaspoons fish sauce
– 2 tablespoons dried shrimp – chopped
– 4 garlic cloves – minced
– 3 Chinese long beans – halved crosswise or 15 green beans
– one 1 ½ – to 1 3/4-pound green papaya, peeled, halved, seeded
– 10 large cherry tomatoes – halved
– 1 cup chopped fresh cilantro
– 2 green onions – very thinly sliced
– 1 fresh red Thai chili with seeds –  thinly sliced
– 2 tablespoons coarsely chopped salted peanuts


  • 1

    First of all, prepare the dressing of the salad and set it aside to marinate well until you mix rest of the ingredients. Take a medium mixing bowl and add in 5 tablespoons of fresh lime juice, 3 tablespoons of palm sugar, 2 tablespoons of fish sauce, 2 tablespoons of dried chopped shrimp and 4 minced garlic cloves.

    Note: You can replace the palm sugar with same quantity of golden brown sugar.

  • 2

    Mix the ingredients for few minutes until merge into one another thoroughly and forms a smooth thick dressing. Set the dressing aside until you mix rest of the ingredients.

  • 3

    Take 3 Chinese long beans, wash them thoroughly, and place them in a medium pot. Pour in some water until the beans are completely covered. Add in some salt to taste and place the pot on the stove over medium heat. Bring the water to boil and wait for at least 5 minutes or until the beans are soft and tender.

  • 4

    Strain the beans with a medium strainer and rinse them under cold water for few minutes until cool properly. Place the cooked Chinese beans on a cutting board and cut them into equal pieces - cross wise.

    Note: You can replace Chinese beans with 15 green beans.

  • 5

    Grab a julienne peeler and remove the skin outer skin of the papayas, enough papaya to make 6 cups. Cut the papaya into equal medium slices and place them in a larger serving or salad bowl.

    Note: Make sure to use green papayas rather then ripped ones.

  • 6

    Add in 10 large but halved cherry tomatoes, 1 cup of chopped fresh cilantro, 2 very thinly sliced green onions, and 1 thinly sliced fresh red Thai chili with seeds.

  • 7

    Top the ingredients of the serving bowl with 6 cups of previously chopped papaya slices and toss them until mix well.

  • 8

    Pour in the previously prepared dressing in the medium bowl.

  • 9

    Take a large spoon and toss until the dressing and the ingredients mix completely.

  • 10

    Sprinkle 2 tablespoons coarsely chopped salted peanuts over the Thai Green Papaya Salad.

  • 11

    Serve the delicious Thai Green Papaya Salad with 6 small or medium salad bowl and forks.

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