What Is Geriatric Evaluation And Management

Geriatric Evaluation and Management is basically an assessment that is carried out on an older or senior citizen to help determine the level of care that they will need. Various centres which provide to senior citizens or many hospitals that have a Geriatric department conduct a Geriatric Evaluation as a service. These assessments are used to determine the type and level of care that might be required and also possible medication and clinic visits. If you want to understand what Geriatric Evaluation and Management is then you can read on for some details.


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    Complete assessment:

    A Geriatric Evaluation and Management basically have a complete assessment which is carried out on an older or senior citizen to determine the level of care that might be required either at home or in a medical facility. During the assessment everything related to both mental and physical health is checked to ensure a complete profile is developed.

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    Medication information:

    As we get older it is very important to have a proper plan for medication. A Geriatric Evaluation and Management plan can help senior citizens with all of their medications to ensure that they have the latest drugs available. The Geriatric Evaluation and Management will provide a complete medication plan for seniors so that they can follow it while at home.

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    The Geriatric Evaluation and Management will develop a whole plan for all related therapy of a particular older or senior citizen. Managing therapy is very important for senior citizens as it provides a dedicated plan so that caregivers or patients themselves can keep track of all their therapy sessions.

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    Comprehensive exam:

    A Geriatric Evaluation and Management will provide a complete and thorough exam for senior citizens. Everything from both physical and mental health is checked and all of the important tests are carried out. Usually a Geriatric specialist provides an overall evaluation on the health of the senior citizen and gives their advice on home care or a possible stay in a Geriatric facility.

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    Individual care plan:

    After the Geriatric Evaluation and Management assessment an individual care plan is developed which can be used by the senior citizen and caregiver for further treatment. This individual care plan is important as it can provide a great relief for Geriatric patients when they might be at home or away from a care facility.

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    Community resources:

    The Geriatric Evaluation and Management will also provide community resources that senior citizens can use on a referral basis. Their individual care plan which was developed through the assessment will usually provide for community resources that are available for Geriatric patients.

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