10 Reasons to Track Traffic on Your Business Website

1. Your business website will generate more traffic long term when you know which advertisement is better than the rest of the other advertisements. It is a good idea to keep a tracker and a counter on your business website.
2. When you keep track of the amount of traffic then you be able to know which advertisements that you need to keep. When you look at any traffic stats then it will usually inform you which website the visitor came from in order to get your website. It will also inform you of the time and date that the visitor visited your website including the name of the individuals internet service provider.
3. Keeping track of traffic enables your company to be able to tell which hour your website has the most amount of visitors each day. You will also be able to see how many visitors get during the night to your website and also during the day.
4. Traffic stats of your website will sometimes have a feature where you are able to see which pages of your website that the visitors clicked on and read. This will help keep you informed of which page on your website is the most visited along with which pages are the most frequently read.
5. You know for a fact which advertisements are working the best. Long term it will save you money so you know which ones to not waste your money on. This is important since advertisement banners on other websites can cost a large amount of money each month.
6. Some people often will put a link to your business website from their personal website or even their business website. You will be able see on your traffic stats which personal webistes and business websites have a link to your business website too.
It is good when other people start to link to your business website when they like your business enough to recommend your company to other people. It is a good idea and polite to email the owner of the website whenever a personal website or business take the time to put a link on their website to your business website.
7. Traffic stats enable you to know if you are having trouble getting customers to buy your products or service. You will be able tell by the traffic stats each month compared to the number of sales each month. You may want to redesign your business website or make a few updates along with any additional changes such as a special sale deal in order to increase the chance to generate additional sales.
8. Make sure to look at your traffic stats each month usually provided by your web host for your business website. You need to visit any website that leads visitors to your business website. Why? You need to make sure that the website that is bringing traffic to your business website is saying good statements about your company instead of complaints.
Be concerned about any complaints that you may see regarding your company on any website and make sure to e-mail the person regarding the complaint to ask how you can make the situation better if possible.
9. One main reason to track traffic on your website each month is to see how many people are finding your business website from search engines. You want to know how many people actually use the search engines on the Internet to find your business website. You need to know which search engines that they found your business website through such as the most popular ones.
10. In the traffic stats from your web host regarding the traffic that your business website receives each month then you should be able to see search keywords in stats. Search keywords are the keywords entered into the search engines frequently by people when they try to find your business website. The keywords are good to know since it lets you know that the search engines are working correctly.