How to Change Habits for Good Health

Good health does not only mean absence of disease or illness, but also being happy and feeling whole from physical, mental, spiritual and social point of view. To maintain a healthy body and mind you must try and cultivate good habits. Everyone knows that old habits die hard so in order to change these habits make gradual changes at your own pace instead of making drastic changes. These small gradual changes, when done consistently may seem insignificant at first but the collective effect may change your whole life for the better. Bryon Tracy a self help author once said, “First, you shape your habits, and then your habits shape you.”


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    Move more:

    - Get enough sleep. You need at least 8 hours of sleep daily to remain active.

    - You need to exercise daily as it is essential to maintain optimum health. Remember, even half an hour of physical activity is enough if you do it regularly.

    - Meditate! This can help steady our mind and clear confusion. Prayer, yoga and spiritual meditation can bring you internal peace which will reflect in how you look at life.

    - Do the household chores yourself like vacuum, washing and dusting instead of hiring help. This is a natural form of exercise. Cook for yourself and others. It is a truly satisfying process.

    - Play with friends and family. Simple sports like tennis and basketball can bring a huge change not only in your body but also refreshes your perspective about  life. You will feel rejuvenated. Indoor games like chess and monopoly are good options to engage in quality family time.

    - Dance is another interesting way of exercising. Swing to the music of your choice and make it a fun activity that you look forward to doing.

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    Develop Healthy Eating Habits:

    - Don’t skip breakfast because it is a very important meal of the day. Try to eat healthy food, i.e. rich in proteins. Eat five small meals instead of three big ones. These frequent meals will reduce the between meals hunger pangs which lead to snacks and junk food.

    - Try and drink lot of water. Drinking water is very important to remain healthy. Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day.

    - Avoid bad habits like drinking alcohol or smoking cigarettes. They can cause many diseases and have adverse effects on the health. Replace the alcohol with fresh juices and shakes which are equally enjoyable. It is all about building a perception.

    - Avoid late night snacking because you are eating extra calories when your body metabolism rate has slowed down and they will just convert into fat layers.Counting the calories you intake in a day can be an interesting process. Do not let the total calories exceed 2000.

    - Note what you need. The food pyramid suggests that you eat less of the fats and more of fibers and proteins which are needed for the growth of your body.

    - Make your vegetables fun to eat by grilling them or baking them. Junk food leaves you with mounds of calories and little health benefits. Steer clear from it with determination.

    - While shopping, stick to the non processed and fresh options. Your shopping list determines your health.

    - Go for the fresh fruits and vegetables corner. Make desserts out of fresh fruit instead of cooking. If buying bread or cereals, the whole wheat options are way better than the processed ones.

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    - Talk to family and friends regularly. You need people around you with whom you can share feelings with. Stress usually leads to eating disorders and drug abuse. Talking your heart out will relieve you of these.

    - Reduce anxiety with humor. Smile and laughter often help in uplifting the mood. Watch movies with friends and let the humor come out.

    - Write something every day to release pressure and clear emotional blockages. Writing in a journal usually helps in releasing pent up emotions and clear your perspective.

    - Avoid meeting negative people who pollute your opinions and thinking. When you start looking out at the good in everyone, people will do the same about you and you will be gifted with true relationships.

    - Come out of the constant race and competition. Pause for a while and be happy at what you have achieved over time. This satisfaction will give you confidence that will be visible in how you deal with things.

    - Adopt a hobby that occupies your free time and gives you space to being creative. Do not set into a tight routine. Take time out for something that pleases you like a sight seeing tour.

    - Stop fretting about a problem and set to solve it. Crying over it will not solve it. Take life as it comes. Acknowledge the fact that the past is gone and the only thing you can do is to live your present and plan your present.

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