Creative Scrapbook Titles

The title of a scrapbook layout is at least as important as the pictures you scrap with it. A title defines the mood of the scrapbook layout. It explains to the viewers of the scrapbook layout what frame of mind you hope they will view the page. Most important to remember too, is that a title is much more than just the word or words you use. It is an important element, which should be given as much consideration as every other element used, sometimes more so because of its often prominent place on the page.

Be Creative with the Scrapbook Layout Title

A scrapbook layout’s title and its impact will depend on the placement of the title on the page, its size, color, shape, how many times you use the title on the page, and how the title is worded. Think about all of these issues when you both plan a title and put it together with the scrapbook layout.

For example, a scrapbook layout’s title does not necessarily have to run across the top of a page. It could be placed across the bottom, it could run vertically up and down the right or left hand side of the page, or it could run across the middle, vertically or horizontally.

Your title could be placed on your scrapbook layout in a very straight pattern, or it could follow the path of another element on the page, in a curve, wave, or circular pattern. A good example to keep in mind when deciding how to place a title is to think of a scrapbook layout of a beach scene. Instead of placing the title on the page in a straightforward manner, instead have it follow the outline of a wave, or place it in a circular fashion reminiscent of a sun shape.

If you really want a title to jump off a page, consider the depth of it. Stack smaller letters on larger corresponding letters, in either the same or a contrasting color, depending on the scrapbook layout theme itself. Matting your title is another simple way to create depth, as is outlining. Chalking the edges or adding glitter or paint to the title is also good a way to add depth to the letters. You could also use foam dots or squares behind a title to give it depth.

Ask yourself if the Title is a Focal Point

A title could be the focal point of a scrapbook layout, or it could be secondary, a compliment to the photographs. The answer to this debate can help you decide how prominent to make a title. Some scrap bookers mistakenly assume that titles must always be the most prominent aspect of every layout they create. This is simply not true. Consider each scrapbook layout individually and then decide.

Words are an Expression of your Feelings

Be imaginative when choosing what to say with a title. Think about when the picture was taken. Was there anything going on outside the range of the lens that you plan to include in journaling that will be placed on the scrapbook layout? If so, consider those when coming up with an appropriate title. If you have a hard time expressing yourself beyond the most basic of titles, check out one of the many book titles on the subject, or do a search online for the subject of scrapbook titles.

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